Crafts,  Creativity,  Decor,  DIY

How To Make Fall Yarn Apples

How To Make Fall Yarn Apples

This easy craft will yield a harvest of yarn apples in no time!



• Red and light green yarn, 3 feet for each apple
• Brown and dark green pipe cleaners
• Wire cutters (or good scissors to cut pipe cleaners)
• Scissors
• Cardboard



Cut pieces of cardboard 2 x 5 inches

Bend each piece in half lengthwise, then open it again, so it is almost flat again.



• Start wrapping the red yard around the cardboard. Try to go around 100 times, though 80 times will do.

yarn apple 2

• Cut a brown pipe cleaner in half and slip one end of one half through the winded up yarn along the fold of the cardboard. Twist it around and flatten it. This will actually be the bottom of the apple.

• Take the other half of the brown pipe cleaner and slip it through the yarn at the opposite end, and this time shape it to create a stem.

yarn apple 3

• Slide the cardboard out so that you now have a nice, round apple.

• Take a small piece of green pipe cleaner and wrap it around the stem to create a leaf.

yarn apple 4

• Repeat to create your fall harvest of green and red apples!

yarn apple 5



Mary Kate Warner

Mary-Kate is a regular blogger at Christianity Cove (  You can often find her writing about Christian Parenting, Homeschool Teaching, Bible Study and Sunday School Activities, Faith and inspiring children to love God.  Follow her at @SundaySchoolGal  Facebook  Google+Pinterest


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


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