Join Our “Talk Like A Pirate” Facebook Party on September 19th
Tis that time of year again! Talk Like A Pirate Day of course! This day was devised over 10 years ago by two buddies speaking pirate while playing tennis. They talked about how fun it would be if the whole country spoke pirate for a day. Bring in columnist Dave Barry who thought this was a grand idea and thus Talk Like A Pirate became an official day on September 19th! You can read more about the founders in our interview with them here. So in celebration of this rather fun and silly day, let’s have a Facebook Party! As you know, we are all about pirates and will have some goodies to hand out and fun will be had! Details below!
Join Our Facebook Party!
What: Talk Like A Pirate Facebook Party
When: September 19th from 5:30 pm PST to 6:30 pm PST
Who: Anyone can join the party! Just come to our Dandelion Moms/Penelope the Purple Pirate Party Facebook Page to join in. We will be handing out promocodes for some of your favorite storybook apps, gift cards, CDs from the Boo Hoo Crew, Penelope posters, books and more! Make sure to enter our TLAP Giveaway as well! Good luck!
Giveaway includes:
Signed copy of Penelope the Purple Pirate book
Disney’s Jake the Pirate Character Set
Disney’s Jake the Pirate Bop Gloves
Pirate Treasure
And will include a Penelope the Purple Pirate 11 x 17 poster!
Keith Michelle Hurst
Why are pirates great singers?
They can hit the high C’s. 🙂
Keith Michelle Hurst
** 🙂
Jennifer Maples
Why are pirates great singers?
(They can hit the high C’s!)
Amy N
What do you call a pirate that skips school? Captain Hooky!
Q: How much did the pirate pay for his earrings?
A: A buccaneer!
Judith Jamieson
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!
Caren Sue Evans
Why are pirates called pirates? They just arghhhhhh!
How can you tell when a pirate thinks he’s funny …. he’s saying hardy Har Har after all he says..
Why do pirates wear eye patches?
Because they can’t afford iPads!
Angela @ OMazing Kids
Why do pirates love Speech-Language Pathologists? Because we work on /r/ 😉