Slideshow,  Spotlight

Dandelion Moms Launch Giveaway


We wanted to celebrate the re-launch of dandelion moms with a fun holiday giveaway.  The idea to create a lifestyle website was on my mind for about a year. I wanted to bring what I had learned on the yoga mat – about being present and mindful – onto a platform that other women could experience.  As women, we tend to wear so many hats and sometimes being present is not part of the picture.  We worry about what we did or didn’t do and forget sometimes to just slow down and enjoy it. With dandelion moms I hope to create a place that women can share in their journey and inspire others to go after their dreams because dreams are the essence of our being. 

We have over $100 in gift cards from our wonderful sponsors, an $150 iPad case and some children’s books to hand out.  Stay tuned to enter to win a goodie for the holidays.  The Rafflecopter Giveaway will start this Monday the 25th!

Our Sponsors:

 Lifedge  – are providing an iPad case (pink) for one lucky winner.  Retails for over $150.  It is a fully functional, waterproof and shockproof case.


Facebook link:
Twitter:  @lifedgeUK or


$20 Gift Card from Super Harry’s Rotten Luck by Nina Lim.

Twitter: @NinaLim08 or

$ 20 Gift Card from Anita MacArthur Reynolds of MacCheeky: A Royal Pest!



 $25 Amazon Gift Card from Mathificent


$10 Gift Card from Ellie’s Games

Twitter: @ElliesGames or

2 $10 Gift Cards from Meet Studio

Twitter: @meetstudiomusic or

$25 Gift Card from dandelion moms


Twitter:@dandelion moms or

$20 Gift Card from kidEbook

Twitter: @kidEbook or

2 Sassy Cassie Books from Nancy PSA Schneider

Facebook (Studio Sassy Cassie):
Twitter:   @OCDivas or

2 Gerry the Giraffe Books from Melissa Northway

Facebook (Polka Dots Publishing):
Twitter: @MelissaNorthway or

Piece of Stella & Dot Jewelry from Independent Stylist Melissa Northway


$20 Gift Card from Bish Bash Books

Facebook Page:!/BishBashBooks?fref=ts


2 $20 Gift Cards from Fuzzy Bees

Facebook Page:

$25 and $15 Aero Flixx boxed sets by Skullduggery

Facebook Page:

Twitter: @skullduggerytoys


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


  • Nadyne

    I think that I am a dandelion mom because I try to make everyday fun. I tell my kids that I love them and hug them everyday! I try to teach them to do unto others as you want them to do to you. I also try to teach them that we are all people. It does not matter what we look like or what things we have. We all deserve respect and kindness. I am always trying to be a role model for them. I know that they are contantly watching us as parents and they learn from us so if I try to be the best person that I can be then I know that they will be too. I love being a mom. My kids mean everything to me. I would do anything for them!

  • Stacie Edwards

    I’m a Dandelion Mom because my 2 boys Hunter (age 9) and Cody (age 6) keep me busy!! We love to have fun, play games, travel, and they love playing on their Ipad!! And it’s a great tool for the boys because they both have Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

  • robin wegner

    I think that I am a dandelion mom because i am a strong woman, I have a son 25 with Autism non verbal and my whole life and house structure works around him 🙂 hes amazing

  • Corrin Rosales

    What makes me a dandelion mom is that I am strong and can be a good mother to my three children despite what crazies they bring 🙂

  • Jeannette Solimine

    I have two special needs daughters the I love and care for. I play with them, work with them, and fight for them. They are the sunshine of my life (as well as the terror!). Whenever I feel like I can’t go on, I listen to them laugh or look at their smiles, and know that I can go on and will go on.

    BTW, the links to the MacCheeky website, Melissa Northway’s author site, and Ellie’s Games website, bring up a 501 internal error.

  • Jennifer Hayes

    the links to the MacCheeky website, Melissa Northway’s author site, and Ellie’s Games website, bring up a 501 internal error also meet studios doesnt say what to put in box!

    I think I’m a dandelion mom because, I have shown my kids that we can usually make things happen by adapting them. My oldest son has severe spastic quad cp, a seizure disorder and is legally blind. My daughter has autism and mild CP. My youngest son is 7 and typical. My little guy is so wise beyond his years. He realizes how to make things doable for them, not to do things for them. There Dad has been fighting a liver disease for the last 6 years now. Im a dandelion mom because I have stayed strong and positive through all of this, all the while making sure everyones needs are met/.

  • Cindy Beeler

    I am a Dandelion Mom because I can get blown around all the time but I keep coming back stronger than ever with a little rest and sunshine!

  • Dina Maria Kyle

    I am a Dandelion Mom because I am a strong Lady who went through more downs then ups and I made it through each and everyone. I have moments of weaknesses but always make them my strengths at the end. I am a great Mom and a caring person. My heart is always in the right place.

  • Lisa Maislin

    Dandelion mom? Me? I carry a lot different roles, I support many and yet you can blow me over easily, especially when tired and feeling old!!

  • Fides

    In my weakness, I am strong because of the work God is doing in my life. He has turned and is still turning the hurts and struggles in my life into something beautiful. He uses me to bless and help others, specially my family. I am also learning so much being a mom to 4 beautiful kids, including one with special needs. They are the truly best gifts God has given me.

  • Christie

    I’m a resilient mom to my girls even with those newborn days when I haven’t had much sleep! I just bounce right back up and do it all over again!

  • Barbara D

    I am a dandelion mom!! I help as much as I can with my grandkids…one lives with us…one with special needs I homeschool…and two more come daily while their parents work!

  • Angie Gorz

    I am a Dandelion mom because I am strong in handling my own medical conditions (epilepsy, RA, etc), my son’s issues (Autism and CP), and my husband’s (Still’s disease, many hip and back surgeries), and I am still a patient mom, who loves her mom. I am resilient because I handle set backs with my son, like his his recent surgery, with patience and strength. I am strong because I will never give up fighting for my son, as well as my husband’s needs. I am beautiful because my personality is beautiful.

  • Karen Tolman

    I am a dandelion mom because no matter how many times I get plowed or mowed over I still spring back up and continue the fight. My daughter has brought out more strength in me than I ever dreamt I had. Fighting for her rights and services has made me into a baracuda mom which is what she needs. She is my strength to get through it all.

  • Maria Lourdes Joven

    I am dANDELION mOM because I have a son with Down Syndrome I take care of 24/7.He has taught me a lot about love and patience.

  • Kathryn Mikronis

    I am a dandelion mother because I am advocate for both my children ( one with autism and one with ADHD) to have experiences. I coordinate an inclusive Lego club so my son with autism gets opportunities to develop social skills and friendships. I help newly diagnosed families fain access to services in our state and county. I constantly share training opportunities with the school district. I feel I cannot becomea shrinking violet but a dandelion is a perfect description. I am if nothing else- resilient

  • Sarah Shelby

    I am a Dandelion mom because I don’t wait for things to happen. I don’t make excuses for my life or for things going on around me. I work hard and get things done because I have my son, who is autistic, depending on me to take care of him. This world is tough and if I don’t take care of us, no one else will. My mom told me something when he was brand new that has always stuck with me and has been my motto ever since. “You can’t depend on anyone but yourself.” When she told me that, I picked myself up, took myself to college and didn’t stop until I had a Masters Degree. I may only be a social worker and may live pay check to pay check but I can provide for my child. I also have the reward of helping others within my community. I work hard for everything we have no matter how ratty it is and we’re proud of it. We’re grateful for everything we have and everything we don’t. But most of all, we’re happy. I’m a dandelion mom because when I’m told I can’t, when I’m told my son can’t, we always prove them wrong. Hard work and determination proves anything is possible for anyone.

  • Mandy

    I am a dandelion mom, because I keep trying. It’s hard being a parent, but I keep trying. I’m tired, but I keep trying. I make lots of mistakes, but I keep trying. I’m not perfect, but I keep trying. Despite all my faults, my kids think I’m the greatest, so I keep trying.

  • LIsa B

    I am dedicated, honest, and always inspired by my very special kiddos. I think that may qualify me as a Dandelion Mom? 🙂 Your jewelry is gorgeous!

  • Rachelle gray

    I am a mom to 2 boys. Tony 12 and Tommie 8. Tommie has cp, cvi and seizures. I fight everyday for my boys. I am honest, caring, and not only mom, but advocate, nurse, and therapist to Tommie. I have never gave up hope even when doctors say he won’t or can not I do not believe them

  • Allison M Miller

    I’m a Dandelion Mom because I’m a fighter for what I know is right and I won’t give up. I am strong. I am resilient. I work very hard to instill good values in both my children around a very hectic and crazy world. My son has taught me so many things about being different, but being one of the same. He’s the penguin out there that sings, “I gotta be me!” when everyone around him tries to make him conform to what they know as a “normal” child and try to squeeze and smother the uniqueness out of him. I am very dedicated to keep him who he is, not what he “could have” been. I homeschool and work full time (a not so easy job either) and am so proud of both my kiddo’s.

  • Nichole Baker

    Because I am a strong single homeschooling mom always looking for new ways to make learning fun for my son with autism.

  • Dana Hamilton

    I’m a dandelion mom because my daughter with multiple disabilities who is also deaf and non-verbal has shown me how strong I can be. From helping me get over some fears to showing me I can be a fighter when it comes to her needs and rights…. as well as returning to college to show myself and others that this situation won’t gert us down. There is so nuch more to us than her disabilities, so many wonderful things she has overcome and I am so glad to be by her side.

  • Jennifer

    The dandelion is known as the rustic oracle in floriography: it’s petals open at around 5am and close at around 8 pm, serving the Shepard for a clock. This is the schedule my daughter and dog keep daily! Dandelions also represent love and faithfulness, all of which I have in endless bundles for my beloved kids.

  • OMum22

    What makes me strong and resilient? Learning from my mistakes. Getting out of bed every morning. Just keeping going, regardless. What makes me beautiful? How I feel inside and the love I have for my children.

  • karen hinkle

    i love it beacuse i am a mom and grandma who is rasing my autistic granso i get alot of help when i need it and alot and infor i need

  • Peach

    Never give up, be thankful, and love. Mom to an amazing son who was born weighing one pound. A priviledge to wake up every day to a miracle. Thank you, Lord.

  • Tammy

    Each day we (as a family) work for a balance, special needs or not. I am a dandelion mom because I am the one who is the “adult” that makes sure everything is balanced, in line, safe, and happy. There can be a lot of work in that. I don’t really mind since I am paid well in smiles, kisses and love.

  • Jenna Mrie

    I’m going to be honest and say I don’t know what makes me a Dandelion Mom. I try my hardest to do my best with the children, but I feel it’s still not good enough.

  • Samantha Lemons

    What makes me a dandelion mom? I’m the best mother I can be to my son. I handle all the doctor/specialists appointments, therapies, medications, minor surgeries, etc. Even when life deals us another blow, I bounce back and am stronger for having dealt with it.

    I may not be beautiful by other people’s standards but that doesn’t matter so much to me because I feel beautiful.

  • felicity

    I’m a dandelion mom because, therefore I am. Haha all moms are wonderful and there isn’t one that I’ve met who isn’t a supermom capable of superhuman feats =)

  • Bonnie Bobeck

    I am a Mom of 4 kids that I have raised while also being a military spouse. Our youngest is autistic, adhd and has anxiety issues. We have moved more times than I can count (usually every 18 months) to different parts of the US and Europe. My children range in age from 5 to 23. I have had to be strong and resilient otherwise the military life would have mowed me down a long time ago. I have provided stability for our children while constantly changing where we live, what schools they will attend (therapy too) and juggling all the friends we have all made throughout the years.

  • Susan

    My first husband passed away when my children were 3 and 1, so I raised two little boys on my own. I could go into the details of walking life as a widow and single parent, but I made being a mom a priority–over work, over friends, over the emotional hole I had after losing my husband. I wanted my boys to feel safe and loved. I’m a dandelion mom because I’m a mom, because that is who I’m called to be.

  • TM

    My kids make me a dandelion mom……and they love dandelions….every Spring we have so much fun with them!! Blowing here and there……memories I will never forget.

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