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Creating the Ultimate Man Cave


We have dreamed, well, at least I have, of creating our garage into an extra room in the house with bean bags, old-school arcade games like PacMan and Galaga and a game station.  I know my husband would love to have a putting green put in there as well!  Best Buy has come up with some really cool ideas for creating the ultimate Man Cave.  It sounds so prehistoric Man Cave and one can’t help but have visions of a man in animal skins carrying a bone – but you know your modern guy would love to have his own space to relax in and do as he pleases.

Whether he is a sports fan, golf enthusiast or loves to play games, Best Buy has a ton of cool ideas.  I think if you have the extra room you could split it up into a he/she cave.

Here are some of my favorite ideas and products available at Best Buy that will create a very cool room in the house (or garage).




A trio of gaming stations.  If your guy is into games he would love to have a section just for his entertainment.  We love to play family games together and my husband and daughter are quite good at a boat racing game.  I am usually always last and pretty pitiful.  I can’t seem to figure out how to move the boat forward.  You can usually find my boat up against a wall turning around in circles.  It’s pretty sad.  But I have fun playing with them and try to be a good (sore) loser.  But this gaming station could include multi-monitor computer gaming setups (a.k.a. battlestations) that allow you to multi-task. You could play on one monitor, keep a voice chat window open on another, then pull up a web page on the third.  Now that is fun!



For your sports fan.  My dad and I use to watch football together every weekend growing up. I liked football enough, but for me, it was more about spending time with my dad.  He would explain about the different teams and players and we would root together for our favorite teams.  Mine was Dallas Cowboys and he loved the Rams.



This cool Sports Alert Light alerts you when your favorite team scores.  So if they are busy doing something else while watching the game (folding laundry perhaps – or is that wishful thinking?!) then they will know when their team does something spectacular – like score!  Combined with the ESPN app “IF” app and Phillips hue they will always be on top of it.  This app also allows you to set up automated tasks called recipes.  It tells you “IF” this happens, then do “that.” And then, IF does it.  There are lots of uses for IF, including sports.


Man Cave GIF 6 Large
Add a Smart Putting Green. Boy my dad would have loved this device! What says “man cave” more than smart sporting equipment?!  Include the tiny Blast Golf motion sensor to a putter and start practicing on this cool practice green.  I don’t know about your husband, but most men I know love stats.


BestBuy.ManCave.MC_Large_20The sensor syncs with the Blast app that provide stats like stroke time, loft, lie, rotation and more.  You can even record your putt with your phone and get real-time stats and shows a video clip.  Nothing like using technology to improve your golf game.



Be sure to check out Best Buy’s Man Cave ideas to transform that extra room or even the garage into your best guys very own room!  Some of their ideas include:

6 Tech Ideas for the Ultimate Man Cave:

1.       Build a PC Gaming Station

2.       Set up a Sports Alert Light Show

3.       Sit Closer to the Action with 4K Ultra HD

4.       Customize a Kegerator with 3D printing tap

5.       Add a smart putting green

6.       Create a robot fight club

We would love to create a Robot Fighting Station! Or what about having their own toaster oven (pizza anyone?) or small refrigerator in the Man Cave?! This just might be the thing he has been looking for!


Which tech idea would your husband most enjoy?

Note: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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