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Publishing Hearts Holds Fundraiser for Families in Newtown, Connecticut



Most everyone I know is and will continue to be saddened by  what happened in Newtown, Conneticut and many wish there was something they could do to help.  I was just saying last night to a friend how I wanted to help in some way and am thankful that I heard about a group of people who organized an auction that will benefit the families of Newtown, Connecticut. This is a fundraiser in the publishing industry that will benefit the families and victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.  Following is an explanation that best-selling author Shelli Johannes-Wells gives as to why she and Miral Sattar organized this auction and how people can help. There are many services that an aspiring writer can bid on as well as packages that include signed books from best-selling authors that families can bid for.   Thank you Ms. Johannes-Wells and Miral Sattar for providing a way for us to help in some small way for these families.

How and why are we doing this?

We are devastated about the tragic events that happened last Friday. As parents, we are horrified. It cut me so deeply I needed to do something with that energy and make it positive. Maybe help in some small way.

We understand that money could never replace any lives. 
But from my perspective – as a parent, mother, I needed to do something to give back. I have children 5 and 8. They attend an elementary school in our neighborhood. We actually went through hve a lock down earlier this year due to an armed robber in our neighborhood. In the end, all the children were fine and there were no events. But, I know the feeling of receiving that robo call about a lock down at the school and the desperation I felt waiting to find out my kids were safe.  I cannot imagine how I would feel if things had gone differently.We were obviously the lucky ones. 
This money will go to support the community, families, school, and children affected. They can use it as they need it for any type of relief in the community or schools.
What items are included?

The full list of current auction is listed below. You can click on any item to see all the details, and bidding is happening in the comments.  Most of the items are for US and Canada Only except for the service auction items such as critiques, marketing, designs, etc.

 We have about 100 items to date including chapter critiques, query critiques, full manuscript critiques – all offered from authors, editors and agents. We also have many signed books, ARCs, and special packages from bestselling authors. There are author services packages as well including blog tours, ads, media interviews, marketing, cover designs, ebook formatting, editing and more. 

To see the list of items available go to:

How do I bid?

  • To bid on an auction, check the current high bid in the comments.
  • Notice the suggested bid.
  • Place a bid by leaving your name, EMAIL, and bid amount in the comments
  • Keep watching to be sure you win.


What happens if I win?
Winners will be notified when the auction ends and should be prepared to make an online donation directly to Newton Youth & Family Service under Caroline’s Gift  in the amount of the high bid at that time.  Caroline’s Gift was established in 1996 by  a Newtown family in memory of their daughter Caroline. The fund’s charitable purpose is to assist Newtown families coping with the physical and mental health needs of their children. 


  Please complete your payment within 24 hours of the auction closing. We would like to get the auction completed by Christmas Eve.

After you’ve made your donation, you’ll forward your receipt, and we will put you in touch with the person who donated the service you won so that the two of youcanwork out the details about how and when.  

 All services will be provided at the convenience of both the person making the donation and the auction winner, but this should happen within three months of the auction’s end unless something else is agreed upon by both parties.Exceptions are noted on some auction pages.
Most of the items end Friday night, Dec 21 at 11:59 PM EST (9:00 AM PST). 
To read more about Publishing Hearts Connecticut and the auction details go to:
 Donations can also be sent directly to Newtown Youth and Family Services via Caroline’s Gift, 15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT 06482.
The agenices Tax ID number is 06-1082115.
Photo courtesy of Newtown Youth & Family Service.

Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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