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3 Reasons the Healthcare Field is perfect for Moms

As a mother, you may be interested in earning an income of your own. Many women are lucky enough to have a partner who will be able to bring in a second income into the home, but there are a lot of single mothers out there who want to find a way of earning money. There are various careers out there that will enable women to enjoy flexible working hours and an income that will allow them to support a family. In order to do this, of course, you need to take a look at the different choices when it comes to career. One of the biggest careers out there that can work out quite well is a career in the medical field. There will always be a need for jobs when it comes to the field of health care so not only will you be able to enjoy the advantages, you will also be able to take the time to undergo a course and ensure that you get a higher qualified.


Medical Coding and Billing

One of the main reasons that this particular job is useful is because you can work from home. Some medical billers and coders are going to perform the same job, but this isn’t always the case. Medical coding involves assigning people to different insurance claims to ensure that the company pays off the costs of medical care. When it comes to medical billing, the individual is going to actually send off the bills to the insurance company. There are numerous courses that you can do in order to become a medical coder and/or biller, so this is certainly something that you will need to look into.


Other Flexible Work

Nursing is one area of the medical field that allows you to enjoy a flexible schedule. Sometimes part-time hours are only required, and at other times you may be required to work full-time. Some nurses are going to work during the day, while others are going to take on night shifts. In many cases, mothers will be able to organize their shifts to suit them. You can enjoy a shift in the day while your child is at school, and then spend time with them in the evening time. For those who have a partner to help them along, this is all the more useful.


Certified Nurse Aid:

Becoming a certified nurse aid does not require as much qualification as becoming a LVN or RN Nurse, medical coder or biller. At the same time, carers often provide a vital job. Those who work in nursing homes will be able to choose shifts that are suited to their own schedule. Part-time jobs are often available.

Overall, work in the medical field can often give you greater job opportunities. Due to the pay that some people receive, it may even be possible to pay for higher education. This means that you will be able to put yourself through medical school and enjoy the opportunity to earn more money. For mothers who want a career, the healthcare field is a good place to start looking.


Author Bio:

Tess Young is a professional writer and excels in articles related to women. If you are planning for medical  studies, Skokie health care education offers Healthcare Career Programs in both clinical and administrative tracks with campuses in Chicago health care education.

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Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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