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Fashion :: Cool Fall Looks for Moms



Fall officially started last week and we finally have some cooler weather here in southern California!  Finally time to break out the boots and coats – well, maybe not coats quite yet, but my sweaters are ready to be worn.  If you are like most moms, we do like to look stylish, but don’ have as much time to spend on fashion as we did pre-kids.  Or maybe you are one of those moms who can pull it together in no time at all and look super fabulous all the time!  Sadly, I am not one of those moms and need a little help in knowing what works together and what doesn’t.  Plus, our bodies do change after having kids and with more birthday’s celebrated each year – what we use to be able to wear doesn’t quite work for us anymore.  But that doesn’t mean we need to give up and not make an effort! In fact, I feel at my best if I have a comfortable and cute outfit on for the day.  I feel like at least I attempted to look stylish, plus it really can be fun to try out new colors and styles you haven’t tried before.  Here are some Fall Fashion Ideas for us busy moms that look great and can be the go-to outfit for most days.  Enjoy!







A Must: A Stylish and Functional Bag!

Love this mix of grey/brown boots and bag!  Lately, I have been on the search for a crossover messenger bag and absolutely love the look of this one.  Apparently,  roughed-up looking jeans are back in style and I just bought a pair at our local Crossroads Trading (a resale boutique) that were brand-new/with tags for about $20!  My type of deal!  Make sure to check out your local resale boutique in your area to see what bargains you can get on coats!  Source of image:







Autumn is in the Air:

I really love that patterns are back in.  Nothing looks quite as stylish as a fun pair of patterned pants to finish your outfit.  These lace-up boots look pretty comfortable and would look great with leggings as well!  Image found at:





 Black Is Always In Style:

This is my kind of outfit!  Out of all the outfits I found, this one fits my style the most.  Love the bag, sparkly bracelet and simple – yet fun –  black top!   If you invest in some basics you won’t go wrong as they can be worn for years to come.  This image was found on Pinterest.





Stripes Are In:

Thank goodness stripes are in this fall because I have several striped tops and sweaters I can wear throughout the season.  I love how they mixed the checkered scarf with the striped top – always fun to see when things you wouldn’t think would work together – look great!  Personally, I am not a fan of flats (I am too short) so I would probably wear some boots with these pants – this is a great everyday outfit.  Source of image:–fashion/page/7






Add a Pop of Color:

I think most people look great in red and love this pop of red with the grey sweater (love this one) and adorable scarf.  This would be a great outfit for just about any occasion and looks comfortable.  Source of image:


All of these fall fashion ideas are ones that I like and would wear.  I think it is important to find the pieces that you look and feel best in and invest in some staples that you can mix and match each season, as well as a couple nice shirts and pants that are in for the season.  Like checkered tops are big again and look great under plain sweaters.  Love this mix and match idea.  This fall we are seeing a lot of animal prints and leather (see our post next week) as well as polka dots (love) and stripes. Have fun and play with some new ideas – you just might surprise yourself!


Photo (top) courtesy of:


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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