- Art, Awareness, Crafts, Creativity, Culture, Kids, Laugh, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, Play, Relationships, Slideshow, Special Needs Parenting, Spotlight, Wellness
The Littlest Inventor Author Takes On Autism ‘Acceptance’
Mandi Mathis was introduced to the world of autism while running through the grocery store at a full sprint with her youngest son, Sawyer, tucked under her arm like a football while he was screaming at the top of his lungs. What she didn’t know then was that he was experiencing sensory overload. Mandi is a practicing attorney so research, planning, and advocating come natural to her. Soon after her son received a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome and Sensory Processing Disorder, Mandi became a champion for those on the autism spectrum. She says that teaching Sawyer how to comfort, calm and advocate for himself is one of her greatest accomplishments. She captured her son’s story in,…
- Awareness, Creativity, Culture, Disney, Entertainment, Giveaways, Laugh, Movies, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Spotlight
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story out on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD and On-Demand April 4th!
Exciting news Star Wars fans! “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” came home on Digital HD March 24th and Blu-ray on April 4th. This news comes on the heels of the start of production announcement of the untitled Han Solo Star Wars Story. “Rogue One” has established its place within the Star Wars universe and the hearts of moviegoers, becoming the seventh highest-grossing film of all time in the U.S. We’ve seen it a couple times already and really love it! In fact, I participated in a Rogue One Digital HD Twitter party battle last weekend to celebrate the release of the Digital HD and Blu-ray! I was on Team Empire and we all “tweeted” about our favorite scenes, characters and shared…
- Awareness, Culture, Kids, Life Management, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, Plan, Project Kindness, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight
The Muddy Puddles Project Brings Awareness and Support to Pediatric Cancer
Some of you might know that my daughter’s nickname is PigPen! From the time she was teeny tiny and when I would pick her up from preschool she usually looked like she rolled around in the dirt. One time in preschool, I somehow lost my mind and put her in these adorable white jeans. Um, not a good idea. When I came to pick her up, she literally looked like she had rolled in mud all day long… thus the name PigPen. But I figured a messy kid was a happy kid so I haven’t stressed too much about over the years. I just know better to not…
- Apps, Awareness, Creativity, Culture, Entertainment, Games, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, PBS Kids, Relationships, Slideshow, Special Needs Parenting, Spotlight, Tech, Wellness
PBS KIDS + Austism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness Month and in an effort to promote awareness, acceptance and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder, PBS KIDS will be airing special shows featuring autistic characters throughout the month. I love that they are introducing Julia, a new friend to Sesame Street fans! PBS also has great online resources for parents and teachers to learn more. The full list of Autism-focused episodes airing in April can be found below. The PBS Parents website has articles from doctors, disability experts and special education teachers on everything from identifying autism to educational needs, creating inclusive environments for autistic children and more. Lastly, PBS Learning Media has…
- Awareness, Creativity, Culture, Decor, Dwell, Get Organized, Life Management, Lifestyle, Plan, Slideshow
Dwell :: Make your home feel like Spring!
Make your home feel like Spring! Spring is in the air and it’s time to refresh your home. Open your windows, and let the sun and fresh air in. Light a candle! Clean your closets, reorganise your drawers, sort, de-clutter, use pretty boxes and baskets Add touches of green here and there: with paint, wallpaper, tiles or a pretty piece of furniture – It is time to fall for the rattan trend Flowers, plants or fruits: the easiest and prettiest way to decorate your house! Buy new linens, change your pillows. Choose them in linen and in sunny colors Source: CC interior design …
- Awareness, Culture, Entertainment, Family Travel, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Plan, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight, Travel
Education :: Visit Alcatraz through Every Kid in a Park
If you have a 4th grader and you are headed to San Francisco before the end of Summer 2017, don’t miss out on a visit to Alcatraz! Your whole family can visit for FREE through the “Every Kid in a Park” initiative instituted by the White House and the Federal Land Management Agency. It is active for the 2016/2017 school year (ending on August 31st, 2017) and its goal is to entice the next generation to visit and advocate for our national parks. Here’s the link to how to make it happen: We had a day off school (heck, when DON”T we have a day off school…