Family Relationships: Handle with Grace and Compassion
Three years ago I moved back home to live with my mom. This is may be out of the ordinary for a person in her thirties, maybe not. What was out of the ordinary was the fact that she and my dad were also living together, as roommates, after almost 20 years of being split up. It was an opportunity for me to enjoy the blessings of a two parent home. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if it were as easy as that? The hard reality showed quickly. It was pretty apparent that my dad was still reactive and quick-tempered, at times downright cruel. My mom as result was defensive, cold. These…
Friendship Between Two Female Hearts
In my early twenties it occurred to me that friendships are an active experience. It was early summer and I’d sent an email to Katie, my closest girlfriend in college, telling her I thought it wasn’t a good idea for us to live together the following semester. I felt our lifestyles weren’t conducive to sharing an apartment. A week or so later, with courage gained from several drinks at her local bar, she called me in the middle of the night to let me know exactly how she felt. Kate was angry and hurt not only about my decision, but the wimpy way I addressed it with her from…
8 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year Old Self
When I think of myself as a 16 year old girl I see a young person just starting to gain some self-assurance, excited about her future in the big, wide world. Now that the road has travelled some distance since that time, with all kinds of twists and turns, I look back and offer this advice to my 16 year old self. You are stronger and more capable and smarter than you ever imagined. You have enormous reserves of strength and resilience. You have a ton of great ideas. So don’t be afraid to take on new challenges. Grab interesting opportunities when they arise. Live life fully! You are…