Healthy Communication and Emotional Development
Photo courtesy of Flickr A common issue in relationships, and an important one for parents to learn, is communication. Many of today’s modern couples were reared in baby boomer, or post-baby boom, homes, and we see a common theme emerge from this generation of parents. The baby boomers of course were the generation that pushed social change to the forefront. Theirs, in essence, was the first generation to value individual emotional needs. In large part this transformation accompanied civil and women’s rights. I put this in context of communication because a classic and painful issue that thwarts communication is something occasionally termed codependence. Codependence is fairly…
- Awareness, Culture, Kids, Laugh, Love, Parenting, Play, Reflections, Relationships, Slideshow, Travel
Reflections :: Cultivating Kairos
Image courtesy of Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce My mother came from the east coast over the weekend for a short but full trip, and the next thing I knew? We spent the weekend drenched in kairos. We took the ferry to Catalina, and someplace offshore, in the middle of the bumping and rolling sea, living kicked in. Kairos, according to Wiki, is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment. To really understand it though, we need to consider the idea of kairos next to an idea or word that describes the way we are used to experiencing life. This word is chronos, which means time. Chronos,…
Reflections :: Vulnerability
Image courtesy of Flickr A favorite part of returning to school again, for me, has been the deep and connected conversations with fellow students. They are significant of the bonds we are growing, of our commitment to being seen and seeing one another as the individuals we are. It’s as educational an experience as the classes themselves. There is something about being surrounded by groups of people, whatever the size, that hold and reflect the value and meaning of what is important to you, as well as challenge you to consider just what that means. Particularly in that I am in the situation of pursuing a second career,…
Breath, and the Wisdom of the Body
Image courtesy of Flickr If I had a timeline labeled “From Then Til Now” set out in front of me, I imagine from that perspective I’d see one of the most significant turns in my life was the year I lived with Jasmine. An incredibly important thing happened that year, which I realize is credit to her. It was a decade and a half ago and I had a sciatic injury that pained me to the point of anger. Because I was finishing up my undergrad, I sat a lot–both in class and writing papers for my creative writing degree. The muscle in my leg would lock and squeeze the…
- Awareness, Culture, Instagram Inspiration, Kids, Laugh, Love, Parenting, Play, Reflections, Relationships, Slideshow
Keeping it Simple
The other day my daughter and I were at the grocery store and she wanted me to buy her this shiny red ball. I figured if a $1.00 ball could make her day – why not?! There is something about a shiny red ball that brings back memories of childhood. As we were walking back to our car, I captured her playing with it and she had the biggest smile on her face. It made me think about how children have such a gift of staying and being in the moment. Here she was playing with this red ball like it was the best present she has ever…
Relationships :: Let’s Talk Love.
Image courtesy of Flickr This is a good week to talk about being in love. Romance is only one of several aspects of intimacy. If the loss of romance has become a primary focus in a relationship, it is likely decoying you away from what is actually present. Meaning, focusing in a narrow way on what is missing is a sure-fire way to not only condemn your connection, but to also kill whatever has replaced the romance. Love encompasses so very much, just not all at once. Romance may soften and give way to a reliability, a companionship that deepens intimacy through the little details. If one partner is…