DIY Ideas for an Awesome Minecraft Party!
Each year my daughter and I talk about what type of theme she wants to have for her upcoming birthday party. Granted, we usually talk about the theme she wants right after her last party so we can prepare and think about it all year long! Yes, we get very excited about these parties and I have found Pinterest to be such a great resource. When she told me she wanted to have a Minecraft theme I set up a board, Kate’s 8th Minecraft Party, on Pinterest so I could pin all the fun ideas I came across on Pinterest throughout the year. About three weeks ago, she…
10 Netflix Titles for a Summer Brain-Power Boost
School may be out, but learning doesn’t have to be. We challenged our daughter to pick a chapter book of her choice and finish it before school starts back up again in a few weeks! Her reward: five bucks (plus we know she is keeping up her newly acquired reading skills). With summer in full swing, most kids don’t want to even think about schoolwork and are enjoying their days off outside of the classroom. One of the ways to introduce some educational programming is to stream on Netflix! We got rid of cable last year and only use Netflix to watch our favorite shows – so much more economical and they…
- Awareness, Crafts, Creativity, Culture, DIY, Get Organized, Kids, Laugh, Money, Parenting, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Southern California, Travel
Ideas to Create Your Summer “Fun” List
Summer has officially started in our household! My daughter “graduated” from first grade and will be starting second in about four weeks (she goes to a year round so doesn’t have long breaks). I wanted to make a list of fun things to do this summer to help keep her busy and keep me sane. You know those days when you are thinking what shall we do today – without breaking the bank! Today I plan to make a list of things we would all like to do over the summer. I think the more free-flowing our suggestions are – the better – who knows what might come up that might…
- Awareness, Crafts, Creativity, Culture, Kids, Money, Parenting, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Southern California
PBS Kids Provides Free Resources to Encourage Reading this Summer
Summertime is almost here and I am looking for ways to keep my very active child busy but also keep her newly acquired reading skills (just started reading beginner chapter books) fine-tuned while she is out of school. I do think learning and fun can go hand in hand – and is ideal – so I am happy to see that PBS Kids is offering free resources on-air, on digital platforms and in communities to help kids continue learning all summer long! Tune in to PBS KIDS to check out the all-new summer schedule, or connect online at to find fun games and activities! Even more digital…
Earn a FREE Book in the PBS Kids and Pottery Barn Kids “Summer Reading Challenge”
You know what a big fan I am of PBS Kids programming, but you might not know how much I devoured the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue when my daughter was in the womb to get ideas for her nursery! They have such great design ideas and the quality of their products are pretty fantastic! So the collaboration between PBS Kids and Pottery Barn Kids with their Summer Reading Challenge is a great fit! PBS Kids is committed to providing resources and suggestions to promote summer reading. “Research shows that children experience significant learning loss when they do not participate in educational activities during the summer months, and that loss is…
How to Host a Baby Shower for Adoptive Parents
Image courtesy of Flickr How to Host a Baby Shower for Adoptive Parents According to Adoption Statistics of 2013, 15 percent of the adoptions in the United States were of children in the age range of newborns to 4 years old. For adoptive parents, the process of adoption can be both exciting and stressful, plagued with lots of waiting and oftentimes unanswered questions. A great way for family and friends to assist soon-to-be adoptive parents is to host a baby shower and provide the support and the essentials they’ll need to care for their new child. Image courtesy of Flickr Invitations Within the shower invitation, express…