- Art, Awareness, Books, Crafts, Creativity, Culture, Dwell, Entertainment, Food, Garden, Laugh, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, Play, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight, Writing
Brain-Boosting Activities to Prevent the Summer Slide
Studies show that during summer months kids who don’t read can lose two to three months of the skills they learned in school. Use it or lose it right? But how do you go about getting in daily activities that help prevent summer slide? It’s easier than you might think, and it doesn’t have to be limited to sitting at home reading a book. Yes, go to your library and get books. Join some summer reading programs. And encourage children to read for at least 20 minutes a day on their own. But here are a few other ways to keep their brains in business so they are ready for…
- Awareness, Books, Creativity, Culture, Entertainment, Giveaways, PBS Kids, Play, Reviews, Slideshow, Writing
PBS KIDS KICKS OFF ITS ANNUAL SUMMER LEARNING INITIATIVE Learning Goes Beyond the Classroom This Summer with All-New Programming, Digital Resources, Partnerships and Community Activities, Available Starting in June As kids spend time outside the classroom this summer, PBS KIDS will release all-new content and resources to help keep them active and encourage exploration at home and outdoors with their favorite characters. As part of its annual summer learning initiative, PBS KIDS will air all-new specials and episodes from ODD SQUAD, NATURE CAT and READY JET GO! beginning in June, and will offer free digital resources at pbsparents.org/summer to make learning fun all summer long. More than half of…
- Apps, Awareness, Books, Creativity, Culture, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, Play, Reflections, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight, Tech, Writing
How a Hug Changed My Son’s Life Forever
Small acts can have a big impact. We’ve all heard this in inspirational speeches. We’ve seen memes scroll by in our newsfeed. But I’ve personally witnessed the impact and ripple effect caused by a simple act by my son’s teachers almost 20 years ago. It all started with a hug. Like so many on the autism spectrum, my son’s first experiences at school were difficult. The kids at school either ignored him or bullied him. The teachers at this first school just didn’t work well with students who learned differently. Though he wasn’t diagnosed at the time, we could see that he was struggling to keep up with his peers,…
Inspirational Mom:: Tara Lazar, Kidlit Author Powerhouse
Looking for an inspirational mom with a “you can’t stop me” attitude? Meet Tara Lazar (rhymes with bazaar), a creative mother of two who writes quirky, humorous children’s books−picture books and middle school novels−that kids (and adults) love. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010 and has lost feeling in her feet and legs. She’s a woman who is overcoming her chronic illness to achieve her goals and dreams. Tara is a kidlit author powerhouse who speaks at conferences and events, and teaches workshops to help other children’s authors achieve their dreams of getting published. Her new children’s book “Normal Norman” is delightful tale with an important message all children need to…
- Awareness, Culture, Decor, Dwell, Food, Life Management, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Play, Relationships, Slideshow, Wellness, Writing
Tips for taking mini-breaks during your busy workweek!
You know how it is, you push yourself all day long and find around 3 o’clock you are done. At least you would like to be done for the day, but as a busy parent that isn’t likely! I remind myself to take little breaks throughout the day because sitting in front of the computer all day is just not good for my health. I heard something along these lines that “sitting all day is for our generation is what smoking was for previous generations.” Basically, if you have a job that requires you to sit most of the day, be sure to get up and move around from time to time! …
- Awareness, Books, Creativity, Culture, Entertainment, Giveaways, Life Management, Lifestyle, Money, Relationships, Reviews, Slideshow, Small Businesses, Writing
Book Review :: Influencer Marketing for Dummies
When I created dandelion moms about three years ago I was pretty green to the whole world of influencer marketing and blogger world. There have been some growing pains along the way and the landscape is constantly changing, but I feel I have more knowledge of what it means to be an influencer and the importance of staying true to your voice and message. One of the aspects of the job that has surprised me is how many companies (and individuals) don’t respect that for many bloggers their blogs are a main source of income and would consider it their full-time job. Not all of us do this full time…