Musings :: How Becoming a Mother Changed Me
The journey to become a mom was not an easy one for my husband and I. It wasn’t until the 9/11 tragedy that I woke up and realized how life can be so uncertain and that not only did I want to get married (had been with my now-husband for 7 years), but I also wanted to have children. Yes, it was 9/11 as well as a quote I read in an article that completely altered my life. I was reading a magazine article that was written by a playwright who talked about all these experiences she had in life, traveling the world, dinners at castles, etc., but one thing she wanted more…
Entering the World of Mom Bloggers at the Mom 2.0 Summit
This past weekend I attended the Mom 2.0 Summit at The Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel where hundreds of women bloggers were looking to connect with other women as well as with the sponsors and partners of the event such as Honda, Whirlpool, and Dove. It was pretty amazing to be in a room full of women (and a handful of men) who were so interested to learn some tricks of the trade about how to turn their hobbies or businesses into a more successful one. This was my first Mom Blogger event and I really didn’t know what to expect. Wow – was I impressed! From the quality of key-note speakers to the caliber of women in the…
Education: Gershwin and Mission Read
It’s hard to remember life without it…I, like many of you, am a part of a generation of students who grew up without the Internet – or even computers. While in elementary school in New Jersey, our teachers and librarians taught us to use the Dewey Decimal system to locate books. Remember those — the actual (paper index) cards with numbers and stamped dates! One assignment in particular stands out – we had to read a biography of a person we found interesting and then write a book report. My Lifetime Love Affair with George Gershwin: I went to a small elementary school and the set of biographies…
Inspirational Mom: Jodi Murphy of Geek Club Books
This week we are featuring mom Jodi Murphy who is quite inspirational in that she is creating a book and storybook app from characters that her son dreamed up. I love how she is the type of person who looks at life as the glass being half full – if not overflowing. She demonstrates with her Can Do attitude that anything is possible and that with love and support magical things can happen! I had a chance to speak to Jodi about the process of creating Geek Club Books and she provides some insight on steps she took to realize her dream. The message of Geek Club Books is…
Musings: Light Baggage Only Please!
Light Baggage Only Please! is the title of a book that I am slowly, but surely, working on for my daughter. When she was about three years old I watched a program on Oprah about a woman who was dying of terminal cancer and was leaving video tapes for her infant daughter so that she could tell her all the things she would have wanted to tell her if she were still alive when the daughter was grown. She talked about going on a first date, dreams she had for her, etc. Let’s just say I didn’t have a tear left after watching that program – but it got me…
Your Family Tree: Where to Start
The idea of starting a research project on your family history can be an exciting, yet daunting, one. Where did your family come from? How did your ancestors live? These questions are just two that got me started on a family tree. I wanted to know as much as I could about my family. When I first started, I was immediately overwhelmed and had no clue what to do. After quite a bit of research, I finally got on track and was amazed at some of the things I found. If you are interested in finding out more about your own family, I have put together a few pointers…