9 Design Ideas for a Magical Garden
My mom is moving into a retirement community soon and we have been on quest to make her indoor atrium and outdoor patio something that she could really enjoy. Both sections only have tile with absolutely no place to actually plant so this is definitely going to be a potted garden. One of the main things we are looking for in design is a place she can kick back, read a book and enjoy her two cats. Plus have little surprises here and there for her three grandchildren to enjoy. We found some wonderful ideas via Pinterest (love that site) and I wanted to share these ideas with you…
- Crafts, Creativity, Culture, Decor, DIY, Dwell, Garden, Get Organized, Kids, Laugh, Parenting, Plan, Play, Slideshow
Party Ideas :: Balloons Make Any Party That Much More Fun!
Balloons can make any type of party that much more fun and colorful! I think I love balloons as much as I love polka dots – both remind me of childhood and just bring a smile to my face. There are a ton of ideas on how to incorporate balloons into a birthday party, baby shower, or even surprise someone special with a box of balloons on their doorstep. I might be an adult now (and forever 28 years old) but I still love love balloons and would be totally thrilled to either get or give a box of balloons! At my daughter’s birthday parties they always play a part…
- Beauty, Creativity, Culture, Decor, DIY, Dwell, Garden, Get Organized, Money, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Wellness
Inexpensive Ways to Update Yourself and Home for Spring
Spring, ahhh… a fresh start. There is a lighter mood to Spring. We trade in our heavy sweaters for a lighter jacket, our boots for perhaps a sandal. Even the smallest of change can make you feel good and it doesn’t have to break the bank. A little something to celebrate the new season. It can be as small as a new nail polish shade, a new lipstick or changes around your home. There are a few ways that I like to do this. image courtesy of pinterest Brighten Up the Place With Flowers: Nothing says Spring like flowers, right? I love love love flowers in my home and…
DIY Structured Flower Garden
It’s spring. The air is fresh and warm. All is green. And you hear the call to clean up, freshen up and add some color to your outdoor living area. You bought a beautiful new garden set for entertaining… so out with the old. Hold on now! Before you toss out that perfectly good piece of furniture (yes it’s faded, tattered and worn), step back and let your imagination and creative juices flow. What can you do to repurpose the item for another use? For example, our mosaic stone patio tabletop showed its age with cracked and broken edges. My husband was eager to get rid of it because it…
- Awareness, Creativity, Culture, DIY, Dwell, Fitness, Food, Garden, Kids, Parenting, Slideshow, Wellness
Farm to Table Activities for Healthy Kids
Image courtesy of Flickr With the rate of diabetes and obesity skyrocketing for children across the country, it’s more important than ever to instill an understanding and appreciation for whole and natural foods in our children. The “Farm to Table” movement aims to help children and adults ditch processed, chemical-laden foods and get back to eating healthy, farm grown foods that our bodies were designed to eat and enjoy. These activities can help educate children about whole, healthy foods in a fun and interactive way. Join Your Local CSA Signing up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share is not only a fantastic way to get a steady stream…
Thinking Outside the Box with a Mother’s Day DIY Party
Image courtesy of Catch My Party While no one is mistaking Mother’s Day for other holidays around this time such as St. Patrick’s or Easter, it really should be a more special day than it is. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I take all that my mom has done for me for granted. While we may tell our mother that we love her and appreciate everything she’s done for us (including giving us the chance to live!) To show your mother that you truly care, why not throw her and her friends a DIY party especially for her?! Marvelous Mommies An easy way to…