Gardening for Nutrition
The Many Benefits of a Vegetable Garden: There are a multitude of benefits to gardening in general: vitamin D from the sun, exercise, fresh air. But the benefits of vegetable and herb gardening can stand on their own. Besides the pride of serving your own home-grown food, you can feel secure in knowing that you’re providing sustenance your family needs. So set aside an area of your garden, gather up your vegetable gardening supplies, and start your family down a path of gardening for nutrition. Here are some healthy options you can plant right in your garden. Radishes: I start with radishes because I’ve rarely had any…
How to Treat Poison Oak or Poison Ivy
Handling Poison Ivy and Poison Oak on Small Children When your baby is old enough to start playing outside, you’ll probably be excited to take her to the park or even out to the woods. For the most part, this is great exposure to a new learning environment. As a first time mom, you’re probably quite cautious as it is. Even being cautious though, your child will eventually encounter poison ivy or poison oak. For the most part, poison ivy and poison oak are simple to treat. But you need to keep certain things in mind as you provide treatment. Most of the time, your child will be…
DIY :: Creative Wine Cork Crafts
With California Wine Month rapidly approaching I saw this as a perfect opportunity to share with you a collection super neat craft projects involving wine corks. There is something about wine corks that makes them such a great material for decorating. Maybe it’s the earthy, natural color (with a tinge of red stain), or perhaps their texture, whatever it is corks are one the most versatile materials I have ever used. In case you didn’t notice in my last post about DIY mason jar projects, it is safe to say that I could be considered somewhat of a hoarder when it comes to random craft supplies. What can I…
Making Your Garden a Little More Homely
Getting started on your garden can seem like a hassle at first. It takes some adjustment to your schedule and learning that you now have a living thing to take care of. In fact it can be a lot like a pet, except you have pet trees, vines, and flowers. And just like any pet that needs a terrarium, you should also consider the habitat and atmosphere that your garden creates and also learn how to shape it. That is where garden decoration comes in, doing the things beyond your original layout or the ‘bones’ of your garden. And there are hundreds of different ways to properly decorate…
What’s Hot in Southern California :: Tanaka Farms
One of the first things I wanted to do after my daughter was born was to take her to Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch during the month of October. For many years while we were trying to conceive, I would see all the moms and children walking around Strawberry Farms and wished that someday I could take my own child to all of the activities they host over the year – especially during the month of October as I love Halloween and they offer a great petting zoo, a large selection of pumpkins and fun knick knacks for sale. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and sharing this with my child was something I was really looking forward…
Play :: Back to School Party Ideas
September is right around the corner and before you know it the kids will be back in school! Why not host a little celebration with your child’s best pals to help ease them into starting a new grade with a fun Back-to-School Party! We found some really great ideas that are more than doable as not all of us are Martha Stewart! These creative bloggers have provided some great ideas you can use to create your own party. Enjoy! Back-To-School Party Ideas: This fun party comes from Kara’s Party Ideas blog found here:https://www.karaspartyideas.com/2013/08/rainbow-chevron-back-to-school-party.html. The ideas are very creative such as the pencils covering the outside of a container…