- Awareness, Beauty, Culture, Fitness, Food, Life Management, Lifestyle, Musings, Nutrition, Play, Recipes, Slideshow, Wellness
Becoming an Active Participant in Your Health
With the start of the new year my health was at the top of my mind. I have been so busy taking care of my family, work and all the other activities that us moms find ourselves filled to the brim with each week that I realized that I wasn’t taking very good care of my health. You know how it is, we tell ourselves that we just don’t have the time to exercise regularly and will sometimes grab a snack or meal that we don’t normally include in our diet. I know with all the events I attend with work we are constantly enticed with delicious yet fattening foods. But I wanted to be an…
- Awareness, Culture, Family Travel, Fitness, Giveaways, Lifestyle, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Southern California, Travel
The Mountain High Resort Offers Local Fun
We were invited to go check out Mountain High this month and spend the day skiing. I was a bit nervous to be honest as I have tried to take it easy since my neck injury last year but I figured if I could endure the Screamin’ Over California ride at Disneyland (my daughter made me do this on my birthday) then I was going to give skiing a shot. My goal was to not fall or break anything and I succeeded! As Borat would say “Great Success!” Even if you haven’t skied in awhile, it really is just like riding a bike. You pick it…
Habits That Empower Your Inner and Outer Beauty
You can’t be beautiful without looking after yourself. Period. Beauty isn’t skin deep no matter what the advertisements claim. It really starts within your body and is reflected on your appearance. Here are some healthy habits to try out in the new year! Be a Natural Beauty Women go to many lengths – some extreme – to claim beauty. When it comes to makeup and skincare, this can include using harmful chemicals on your skin. Making the move to a more natural beauty is important because you’re preventing toxins from harming your health while making the choice to nourish your skin in a natural and positive way. It’s such an empowering,…
- Awareness, Beauty, Culture, Fitness, Food, Get Organized, Giveaways, Life Management, Lifestyle, Love, Nutrition, Parenting, Plan, Play, Products, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight, Tech, Wellness
2016 FitBit Charge Giveaway
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Are you ready to make some changes in 2016? Perhaps start or increase your workouts and get in better shape? One of my goals this year is to start increasing my cardio workouts (my walks with the dog don’t count) and make sure to take some time for me. How about you? What are some of your goals this year? I am excited to have joined Juggling Act Mama and these other great bloggers to bring you a great giveaway that will help you stay on track in 2016. This month, we’re so excited to bring you the 2016 FitBit Charge Giveaway…
- Awareness, Culture, Fitness, Food, Life Management, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Plan, Relationships, Slideshow, Spotlight, Wellness
Cancer Treatment Centers of America Provide a Whole-Body Approach
Hearing that you or a loved one has cancer is one of the most difficult and frightening things to hear and go through. When my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer many years ago it took a lot out of her and our family. It was one of the most difficult things we went through and I am so thankful she fought and won her battle with cancer. The treatment plans and options available today have changed quite a bit from 15 years ago and I was really happy to learn about the Cancer Treatment Centers of America that offer individual and personalized treatment plans for their patients. My mother didn’t…
- Awareness, Creativity, Culture, DIY, Entertainment, Fitness, Games, Laugh, Lifestyle, Love, Parenting, Play, Relationships, Slideshow, Tech, Wellness
Inspiring New Family Holiday Traditions
This quote by the ever so wise Dr. Seuss is one of my favorites! For me, the holidays represents a time to show those we care about that we are thinking of them. And this can be done with a handwritten holiday card, a present that you thought would be just right for them or spending time together. It really isn’t about how much money you spend but more the thought that goes into letting them know you are thinking of them! Spending quality time together really is what it is all about don’t you think?! What are some family traditions in your home? We really love family movie night,…