Health :: Are You At-Risk for a Life Threatening Blood Clot?
When I was asked to write about a new campaign the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ are working on together, I immediately thought of Stephanie O’Neil Morris, a beautiful woman and spirit I met through Facebook and the A4cwsn group. We became friends and she and I use to correspond about our kids (we both have redheads) and our ancestry (we are both Irish) online so it came as a complete shock to read on Facebook one day two years ago, that she has passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. After reading more about what happened from her husband and friends,…
What’s For Breakfast :: Buttermilk Pancakes
My daughter gets very excited when I ask her on a Saturday or Sunday morning if she wants pancakes for breakfast. I really like the Multigrain recipe I found in Kitchen Sense by Mitchell Davis but this morning I thought I’d try the buttermilk recipe. If you don’t have some buttermilk in the fridge – don’t fret – just add in some sour cream to get the same effect! Enjoy your weekend lovely dandelion moms and dads! These pancakes are really tasty as is, but you can add in some chocolate chips, blueberries, banana slices or even some nuts. I think some chopped walnuts would taste great with…
Health :: Tips for a Restful and Restorative Sleep
Image courtesy of BettaLiving.UK Tips for a Restful and Restorative Sleep There are many physiological things that occur in order for sleep to happen and I find that once people understand body mechanisms, when explained simply, allow a deeper understanding and compliance. We will first begin in the pineal gland. Sleep Physiology Located near the center of the brain, a tiny pine shape endocrine ( hormone) gland resides. This gland is called the pineal gland and it spends some of its time releasing a hormone called melatonin. This hormone affects the modulation of wake-sleep patterns. Basically this gland is involved in the regulation of melatonin synthesis which…
Skin Care from the Inside-Out: How what we eat affects our skin health
Skin Care from the Inside-Out: How what we eat affects our skin health “Let food be our medicine, and medicine be our food” ~ Hippocrates One my all time favorite medical words ( peristalsis and uvula are other top ones) is angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels; a vital process for growth and development in the body. However, these new blood vessels are also a vulnerable to tumor growth; where cancer cells may step in if they are given the chance. Although it’s very important to remember that the body does not want to be sick and will do its very best to make sure that…
The Seat Belt Safety Campaign Aims to Keep our Tweens Safe
Last week I was driving with my daughter and I happened to look over at the car next to me while waiting at a stoplight. I was so shocked to see a child no more than 6 years old moving around in the back seat, obviously not buckled in. It took moment for me to register this. I looked to the driver with shock on my face. I was ready to say something (not sure what) but then the light changed and I lost my chance. It really isn’t my business, I know, but when it comes to seeing a child potentially in a dangerous situation, mama bear comes out…
- Awareness, Beauty, DIY, Dwell, Giveaways, Lifestyle, Money, Parenting, Plan, Play, Slideshow, Wellness
Tackling Mt. Laundry with the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Detergent
Tackling Mt. Laundry with the #1 Pediatrician Recommended Detergent! My little one loves to play! Whether it be skateboarding, surfing or playing on the basketball court at school – she goes full-throttle 110% of the time. I often dream of bottling up some of that energy and sprinkling it on me when I need it (which is most of the time) but I love that she has no regard for what she is wearing or how dirty she might be getting. I can still remember the day I came to pick her up at preschool on a day that I had mistakenly put her in white pants. What a shock (not really) to…