Reflections :: Telling Our Stories
Some of our most important women’s work exists in story. What is it I mean by women’s work? The value, intrinsic, of embracing authentically the parts of our inward experience of self intertwined with and thereby defined by being female. A nice, easy place to start are with the roles we play. Take a minute, go ahead. I am certain at least three roles pop immediately to head. Mother? Wife? Professional? Sister? Daughter? Best Friend? Caregiver? The list runs on and on. Be as specific as you can get. What is it I mean by story? The plot and themes that web together the tapestries of our lives.…
Recipes :: Fun Halloween Lunch Ideas
My husband and I are now trying to barter with our first grader so that she will finish her school lunch. Our new grand idea is to let her eat Pizza Friday from the cafeteria on Friday’s if she eats the school lunches we pack her during the week. She is SO excited about eating pizza from the cafeteria we thought this might be motivation to eat more at lunchtime. I am not sure why she isn’t eating very much at school, but I think it is a combination of there being so much action going on around her at lunchtime that she is still getting accustomed to – as well as her packed…
Ask the Doctor :: Best Supplements for Kids
Ask the Doctor: Question: My preschool and elementary children are back in school and I want to prevent any school colds and flus. Do you have any suggestions? Kids are back in school and yes, cold and flu season is gearing up. The best thing you can do, especially with those picky eaters, to slide in a few to boost and support their immune system; no one wants to miss school or work. Below are my 3 favorites that can be thrown into a smoothie or made into a popsicle: Essential Fatty Acids Why? Your body cannot make essential fatty acids so you need to get them from…
Play :: The 2013 Rugby Championships
2013 Rugby Championship – Teach your kids something new today! Have you ever heard of a game called rugby? It’s a really fun sport, especially if you’ve seen a game being played. The rules are similar to games that are familiar to you (such as soccer or football). Two teams, with 15 players each, try to earn points by getting a ball across the opponent’s goal line or between their goalposts. However, in rugby, you can only throw the ball backwards! Rugby is popular in countries such as Australia, England, Italy and Argentina. It’s watched by over 2 billion people worldwide, especially during world championships. Sam and Sofia,…
Recipes :: Fall Paleo (Gluten-Free) Dishes
For Mother’s Day this year my husband gave me the book The Paleoista by Nell Stephenson that changed my life and my body. For reasons I will go into in my health post this week, I was at a real down point with my health (and up with the pounds) that I was willing to try just about anything to feel and look better! Fast forward a few months and I have lost 17 pounds, can finally fit into my wardrobe again and gave my bigger clothes to The Salvation Army as I figured I wouldn’t ever need them again if I stick to this way of eating. It was the easiest…
Spotlight On :: Susie Cakes Bakery
This past spring, my daughter’s Daisy Troop had a tour through one of the best bakeries here in southern California – Susie Cakes. They are well-known for having the most delicious cakes – especially their carrot cake! When we visited the bakery, I had just started on the Paleo diet and you are not suppose to eat any dairy or gluten, so I reframed from trying any of the delicious cookies and cakes they had displayed. But I promised myself that once I reached a goal of losing some of the weight (that had secretly piled on this past year) that I would treat myself to a large slice of chocolate cake. When that day came…