How to Treat Poison Oak or Poison Ivy
Handling Poison Ivy and Poison Oak on Small Children When your baby is old enough to start playing outside, you’ll probably be excited to take her to the park or even out to the woods. For the most part, this is great exposure to a new learning environment. As a first time mom, you’re probably quite cautious as it is. Even being cautious though, your child will eventually encounter poison ivy or poison oak. For the most part, poison ivy and poison oak are simple to treat. But you need to keep certain things in mind as you provide treatment. Most of the time, your child will be…
Recipes :: 5 Easy and Fun Snacks for School
It has been interesting to see what my daughter actually eats from the lunch I pack her for school. Some days she will eat everything and on other days, I find she made a trip to the cafeteria for a somewhat healthy treat. A few weeks ago, she ran up to me at pickup and apologized for not eating the sandwich I packed her. In her words “Mom, I am very sorry I didn’t eat the lunch you packed me, but on accident, I went into the cafeteria and somehow a box of Coco Puffs fell onto my tray and I also grabbed some milk. Oh! Did you know that when you…
Ask the Doctor :: Low Energy Levels
Ask the Doctor: Question: What steps/suggestions/supplements do you recommend to increase my energy levels? Parents are tired. From a new borne and toddler who are physically exhausting to pre teens and teenagers who are both emotionally exhausting; being a parent is a lifetime job. However, to be the best parent, one needs to take care of themselves both physically and mentally to increase energy levels and feel better. Below are a few tips Most Important Changes to Make Now Eat a well balanced diet of colorful fruits and vegetables that are packed with an array of nutrients, enzymes and fiber. Many people will tell me, “ I already…
What’s Hot in Southern California :: Tanaka Farms
One of the first things I wanted to do after my daughter was born was to take her to Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch during the month of October. For many years while we were trying to conceive, I would see all the moms and children walking around Strawberry Farms and wished that someday I could take my own child to all of the activities they host over the year – especially during the month of October as I love Halloween and they offer a great petting zoo, a large selection of pumpkins and fun knick knacks for sale. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and sharing this with my child was something I was really looking forward…
Wellness :: Tips to Eat Healthy at Restaurants
Everyone loves going out to restaurants. Restaurant food is very tasty but loaded with calories, saturated fat and sugar. Yes, restaurant food is packed with hidden fats and is full of calories. If you are having trouble sticking to your diet when you are eating at your favourite restaurant you may definitely end up ruining your diet. You have to identify and recognize the hidden fats and calories and try to stay on a healthy diet even when eating out. Remember, it is possible to eat healthy restaurant food while also focusing on eating healthy. Tips to Keep Calories Down While Eating Out: 1. Research online: Some…
Ask the Doctor :: Scaly, Itchy Eczema Patches
Ask the Doctor: Question: My son has scaly, itchy patches on the inside of both arms which sometime are wet. What is it? Many years ago, I had a newly adopted patient presenting with a thick, scaly, itchy patch behind her left ear. Her parents, as expected, were nervous, however, it only took a few short weeks of changing her diet and applying soothing salve to see the profound results. Eczema is prevalent and according to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology up to 18% of children have eczema; this research was only conducted on diagnosed children and did not include adults. Eczema is an inflammatory, non-contagious skin condition that creates the…