Teaching Your Kids About Money
Teaching Your Kids About Money As a bookkeeper I have seen just about every method of saving and spending there is. Everyone has their own way of doing it. But where did they learn how? My mother always tells the story of when I got my first babysitting job at age 12. I took the money I earned and divided it into thirds. I put one third each into a Holiday Savings Account, my regular bank account and into my pocket for spending that week. The following week I took whatever was left in my pocket, added it to what I made and then did my dividing. I was…
Reflections :: Owning Our Needs
Owning Our Needs: Lately, in my work with women, I have been very aware of a theme around our needs. Identifying needs can be very difficult. Sociological programs are belief systems that aren’t personal to us, but often are, because of what is considered acceptable or normal, we measure our self worth. This can lead to a monotonous loss of vitality, a feeling of numbness or stress over the daily going-ons of life, because the needs that drive and demand us aren’t reflective of our true, actual, internal needs. Our needs speak to us from our truth. Needs speak in a quiet voice. Ignore the voice long enough and…
Community :: How We Can Help the Families in Oklahoma
It is so upsetting to watch the news and see the damage Monday’s tornado left behind in the community of Moore, Oklahoma. The Associated Press is reporting that 51 people – including at least 20 children – lost their lives yesterday. As parents, keeping our children safe is one of our major concerns and it is events like the Newton shootings and natural disasters that makes us feel one so vulnerable to forces out of our control. This morning I had several conversations (with myself) about whether or not I should take my six year old out of school today and go do something fun together. I just wanted to hold her tight all day long. Our time with our…
Dove’s “Let’s Make Girls Unstoppable” Initiative
A few weeks back I attended the Mom 2.0 Summit at The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna Niguel. The setting was amazing with the ocean views and salt-watered breeze, but what impressed me the most about the event was the Dove’s “Let’s Make Girls Unstoppable” campaign. You might have seen the Dove commercials showcasing women of all sizes to stress the importance of women accepting themselves as they are. Well, their Dove Self-Esteem Project aims to start teaching this important message to our young girls and will focus on self-esteem programming with the support of Lisa Ling and Jess Weiner. Let’s Make Girls Unstoppable Initiative: Dove® is committed to creating a world where beauty is…
Musings :: How Becoming a Mother Changed Me
The journey to become a mom was not an easy one for my husband and I. It wasn’t until the 9/11 tragedy that I woke up and realized how life can be so uncertain and that not only did I want to get married (had been with my now-husband for 7 years), but I also wanted to have children. Yes, it was 9/11 as well as a quote I read in an article that completely altered my life. I was reading a magazine article that was written by a playwright who talked about all these experiences she had in life, traveling the world, dinners at castles, etc., but one thing she wanted more…
A Mother’s Day Poem by Adrienne Rich
I know you are reading this poem as you pace beside the stove warming milk, a crying child on your shoulder, a book in your hand because life is short and you too are thirsty. I know you are reading this poem which is not in your language guessing at some words while others keep you reading and I want to know which words they are. I know you are reading this poem listening for something, torn between bitterness and hope turning back once again to the task you cannot refuse. I know you are reading this poem because there is nothing else left to read there where you have landed,…