Empowering Girls to Live Up to their Full Potential in a Refugee Camp
In honor of International Women’s Day 2 weeks ago, this post is dedicated to all the women and girls around the world who are working hard everyday and are persevering to have equal rights and opportunities. While volunteering in the refugee camp of Piraeus in Athens Greece, I noticed many teenage boys did not believe their teenage girl peers could for play football (soccer), volleyball and other activities. Being a teenage girl myself, these stereotypes bothered me so much that we tried our best to break these stereotypes and encourage the other girls to do the same. My family and I started by primarily empowering girls to believe in themselves…
- Art, Awareness, Beauty, Crafts, Creativity, Culture, Family Travel, Kids, Love, Play, Relationships, Slideshow, Travel
Bringing Beauty and Color to Kids in Need – Athens, Greece
While volunteering in a refugee camp in Athens, Greece for 2 months, I met many adorable children with bright smiles and kind laughs. The kids enjoyed games, activities, school and anything where you showed affection and love towards them. Since I have a passion for art, I started to draw henna-like designs on the kids. Everyone loved the drawings and soon enough I had children lined up for them. The girls adored having pretty flower and mandala designs on their hands. After watching the kids’ eagerness and enthusiasm for the designs, I realized that they loved having something unique and special drawn on their hands. The boys loved to have their favorite…