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Brain-Boosting Activities to Prevent the Summer Slide
Studies show that during summer months kids who don’t read can lose two to three months of the skills they learned in school. Use it or lose it right? But how do you go about getting in daily activities that help prevent summer slide? It’s easier than you might think, and it doesn’t have to be limited to sitting at home reading a book. Yes, go to your library and get books. Join some summer reading programs. And encourage children to read for at least 20 minutes a day on their own. But here are a few other ways to keep their brains in business so they are ready for…
10 Netflix Titles for a Summer Brain-Power Boost
School may be out, but learning doesn’t have to be. We challenged our daughter to pick a chapter book of her choice and finish it before school starts back up again in a few weeks! Her reward: five bucks (plus we know she is keeping up her newly acquired reading skills). With summer in full swing, most kids don’t want to even think about schoolwork and are enjoying their days off outside of the classroom. One of the ways to introduce some educational programming is to stream on Netflix! We got rid of cable last year and only use Netflix to watch our favorite shows – so much more economical and they…