• Food,  Slideshow,  Wellness

    Tips for Delicious Gluten-Free Treats

      As a society, we love our gluten. If a product is labelled ‘gluten-free’, it’s generally an indication that we should leave it on the shelf and go for the option with actual taste. What most people don’t realise, however, is the world of healthy and tasty options presented by gluten-free foods.     Over the years, coeliacs and people with other food intolerances have experimented with all sorts of ingredients that you wouldn’t believe. The result is an entire culinary range that can please even the most finicky of palates, to the point where you often can’t even tell the difference! Looking Out for Gluten Gluten can be found…

  • Food,  Slideshow,  Wellness

    Gluten Free Graham Crackers

    I found this yummy recipe for gluten-free graham crackers on the website for Jules Gluten Free Flour. You can either make your own graham crackers from scratch, or Jules has made it easy for you to buy her gluten-free graham cracker mix. You just have to add a few ingredients to the dry mixture. Graham crackers are easy to make and taste yummy by themselves, but I am excited to use these gluten-free graham crackers as a crust in a few pies for the holidays. –Note: I didn’t get as many graham crackers out of my batch as the recipe claims, but it was still plenty. I also didn’t take…