Relationships :: Let’s Talk Love.
Image courtesy of Flickr This is a good week to talk about being in love. Romance is only one of several aspects of intimacy. If the loss of romance has become a primary focus in a relationship, it is likely decoying you away from what is actually present. Meaning, focusing in a narrow way on what is missing is a sure-fire way to not only condemn your connection, but to also kill whatever has replaced the romance. Love encompasses so very much, just not all at once. Romance may soften and give way to a reliability, a companionship that deepens intimacy through the little details. If one partner is…
Family Relationships: Handle with Grace and Compassion
Three years ago I moved back home to live with my mom. This is may be out of the ordinary for a person in her thirties, maybe not. What was out of the ordinary was the fact that she and my dad were also living together, as roommates, after almost 20 years of being split up. It was an opportunity for me to enjoy the blessings of a two parent home. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if it were as easy as that? The hard reality showed quickly. It was pretty apparent that my dad was still reactive and quick-tempered, at times downright cruel. My mom as result was defensive, cold. These…