Spotlight On iParent.TV
58 percent of 10- to 12-year-old kids believe they know how to hide their online activities from their parents. This is a pretty unsettling statistic! As a busy parent, business owner, wife, friend, daughter, etc., etc., it can be difficult to always stay on top of all the tech advances. Recently I heard about an amazing new site that is going to be launched this coming July that will help aid parents stay on top of all the tech gadgets, websites, apps that are now available. I know my own young daughter, when given a choice will choose to watch a show on the iPad vs. the television. It…
Ensuring Your Kids Safety Online
Image courtesy of Flickr With technology becoming more and more of a staple in everyday life, the age that children are introduced to it seems to get younger and younger. While this can be an amazing resource for learning it can also be a dangerous place. There are so many devices out there that have access to the internet that it’s going to be hard for any concerned parent to keep tabs on all of them. So before we get started on the tips for keeping your child safe I’d like to encourage anyone to consider this before buying their child a smartphone or tablet or any other…