Healthy Communication and Emotional Development
Photo courtesy of Flickr A common issue in relationships, and an important one for parents to learn, is communication. Many of today’s modern couples were reared in baby boomer, or post-baby boom, homes, and we see a common theme emerge from this generation of parents. The baby boomers of course were the generation that pushed social change to the forefront. Theirs, in essence, was the first generation to value individual emotional needs. In large part this transformation accompanied civil and women’s rights. I put this in context of communication because a classic and painful issue that thwarts communication is something occasionally termed codependence. Codependence is fairly…
Parenting :: Taking Your Kids Seriously
Photo courtesy of Flickr I have a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. They are the lights of my life, the joy to my day, and the cause of every graying hair and worry wrinkle on my face. My son is in preschool and this is all new to us; the homework, projects, bake sales, volunteer hours, & class parties. We are just at the beginning of the schooling experience and I am overwhelmed with the adjustment of keeping a schedule, remembering where his book bag is, making sure clothes are laid out every school night. I feel like my husband and I have done a pretty good job…