Gardening for Nutrition
The Many Benefits of a Vegetable Garden: There are a multitude of benefits to gardening in general: vitamin D from the sun, exercise, fresh air. But the benefits of vegetable and herb gardening can stand on their own. Besides the pride of serving your own home-grown food, you can feel secure in knowing that you’re providing sustenance your family needs. So set aside an area of your garden, gather up your vegetable gardening supplies, and start your family down a path of gardening for nutrition. Here are some healthy options you can plant right in your garden. Radishes: I start with radishes because I’ve rarely had any…
The Debate Over Pediatric Supplements
Should You Supplement? Have you been struggling with whether or not to give your children pediatric supplements? If you have been feeling this way you are not alone. Many questions surround pediatric supplements. Some parents wonder if they are even necessary for their children’s health. Other questions include: how does a parent know if their child needs them? And are they harmful? Are there any risks associated with giving supplements? Unfortunately, the debate rages on over whether pediatric supplements are beneficial or harmful even in scientific circles. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the perfect example. They suggest that you only give pediatric supplements to your children under…
Wellness :: Kids and Healthy Food Choices
Being a parent can a frustrating struggle, especially when you are engaged in a battle to get your rambunctious toddler, child, or preteen to eat healthier foods. We’ve all been there at one time or another. At the end of our rope and still the little tyke screws up his nose at the nutritious peas that you have provided him. Then comes the demand for curly fries cooked in the deep fryer. Fear not—if you begin young enough—there are methods to instill a healthy eating mindset. Below I will provide some methods that can be used to guide your children toward healthier foods—as well as a few methods that…