Does Raising Children Dead End Your Dreams?
Torn between doing what you love and being a good mom, let me share my experience of how I kept my dreams alive while raising my kids. Before becoming a mom, I thought I’d have to give up my personal desires but, to my surprise and delight, my children were a catalyst for my dreaming new dreams…even better dreams for my career and life goals. You see I liked what I was doing—working on marketing projects for a high tech company—but I didn’t like the structure of a 9 to 5 schedule. I worked hard to make myself a valuable employee who could work independently, make deadlines, and add…
8 Things I Would Tell My 16 Year Old Self
When I think of myself as a 16 year old girl I see a young person just starting to gain some self-assurance, excited about her future in the big, wide world. Now that the road has travelled some distance since that time, with all kinds of twists and turns, I look back and offer this advice to my 16 year old self. You are stronger and more capable and smarter than you ever imagined. You have enormous reserves of strength and resilience. You have a ton of great ideas. So don’t be afraid to take on new challenges. Grab interesting opportunities when they arise. Live life fully! You are…