Holiday Giveaway from Custom Comfort Mattress!
I think sleep is right up there with my all-time favorite things to do! This might be because I suffered from pretty bad insomnia in my twenties and early thirties and know what it is like to be sleep-deprived. Heck, I think just about every parent on the planet knows what is like to feel sleep-deprived. Those first couple months with a newborn is pretty rough don’t you think?! Whenever I hear a friend has a newborn I think to myself that they are in the trenches… Part of getting a good night sleep is having a comfortable mattress and bedding. Well, Custom Comfort Mattress is celebrating this…
Health :: Tips for a Restful and Restorative Sleep
Image courtesy of BettaLiving.UK Tips for a Restful and Restorative Sleep There are many physiological things that occur in order for sleep to happen and I find that once people understand body mechanisms, when explained simply, allow a deeper understanding and compliance. We will first begin in the pineal gland. Sleep Physiology Located near the center of the brain, a tiny pine shape endocrine ( hormone) gland resides. This gland is called the pineal gland and it spends some of its time releasing a hormone called melatonin. This hormone affects the modulation of wake-sleep patterns. Basically this gland is involved in the regulation of melatonin synthesis which…
The Four Roots of Optimum Wellness
There are four essential parts to being healthy that I call roots. If you make healthy choices in each root area, you will achieve optimum wellness—feeling supported, watered, nourished and full of energy. Root One: Diet It is not a coincidence that disease is on the increase at the same time our diets consist of more artificial and sugar-laden ingredients, plus meats and dairy laced with antibiotics and hormones. Cancer has now become the number one killer. For a start, here’s a list of things to avoid in foods: Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) High fructose corn syrup Artificial colors, preservatives, flavors and sweeteners Meats given antibiotics,…