Inspirational Mom: Tory Johnson of Spark & Hustle
The latest State of Women-Owned Business Report by American Express Open has just been released and provides some interesting insights into the current trends among Women-Owned Businesses (WBE). The study has the following conclusions about women-owned businesses in 2012: There are over 8.3 million women-owned businesses in the United States (8,345,600 to be precise) WBEs are generating $1,291,267,100,000 (nearly $1.3 trillion) in revenues and employing 7,697,000 people Between 1997 and 2012, when the number of businesses in the United States increased by 37%, the number of women-owned firms increased by 54%—a rate 1½ times the national average.* Finding the Motivation to Go After Your Dreams: As…
Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle 15-City Tour
Last year I attended the Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle business seminar in Los Angeles, California. Erin Condren had told me about the event about two months prior during our phone interview. She told me she had seen great success with her product sales after being featured on Good Morning America Tory Johnson’s program that features entrepreneurial moms and their products. She said Tory invited her to be one of the featured speakers and recommended that I attend the Los Angeles event. I don’t normally attend these type of events, but after doing some research about Tory Johnson and the Spark & Hustle seminars she created – I figured this just might be the push…