The Balancing Act of A Work At Home Mom
I am a Work-At-Home-Mom (WAHM). Just being a Stay-At-Home-Mom is a tremendous job, but now that I’ve thrown “Work” into the mix, it’s become an even more tangled web of tightropes to navigate. Some days the chores don’t get done, and sometimes the kids watch a little more television than I’d like, but I know that eventually, we will reap rewards from my work that will enable us to have a fuller, more adventurous life. I started working from home shortly after the birth of my son. I was laid off from my job at a publishing company while I was on maternity, which was really a blessing, as I…
Laura Wallis: Web Navigator Gal
I recently had the pleasure of connecting with Laura Wallis in an online networking group. We became acquainted and it was quickly evident that she was a wealth on knowledge about business, marketing, and the internet. She’s also friendly and super-relatable! I thought it only fair to introduce her to other working moms. How and why did you come to be the Web Navigator Gal? I worked for many years in corporate marketing- Disney, Mattel, Fox International, and Sony. I loved my work and traveled a great deal, but worked very long hours. When I became pregnant with my first child, I had everything set up to…