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Education :: Visit Alcatraz through Every Kid in a Park
If you have a 4th grader and you are headed to San Francisco before the end of Summer 2017, don’t miss out on a visit to Alcatraz! Your whole family can visit for FREE through the “Every Kid in a Park” initiative instituted by the White House and the Federal Land Management Agency. It is active for the 2016/2017 school year (ending on August 31st, 2017) and its goal is to entice the next generation to visit and advocate for our national parks. Here’s the link to how to make it happen: https://www.nationalparks.org/our-work/campaigns-initiatives/every-kid-park?gclid=COnI8YLzydICFRSUfgod0ZgF_Q We had a day off school (heck, when DON”T we have a day off school…