An Adventure In Art
I’m a traveling’ gal. I feel the need to admit that straight up. I love to get up and go. In fact, if I’m at home for more than 2 weeks straight I start to get a little ‘antsy pants’. So, feeling ‘the need for speed’, I gathered my husband and our two youngest kiddos (the two left at home), and hit the wild blue yonder in search of an adventure.
This most recent adventure took us to Laguna Beach, California. I would also like to admit right here and now that I l-o-v-e Southern California. The beautiful beaches, beautiful weather, and beautiful people. (Hey, did I mention the word ‘beautiful’?) I love it all: from the sand and surf, to the eclectic collection of shops and restaurants. Mostly I love the art, and when it comes to art there are few places that outshine Laguna Beach.
I spent the afternoon with my kids and hubby at the Pageant Of The Masters. This was not our first visit to this fun summer soiree. Nor will it be our last. Beautiful sunshine, glorious artwork, and an incredible evening show. The show depicts famous works of art, using real people! Yes, you read that right. Real people. Big, small, young, and old. People of all shapes and sizes help make this pageant a living, breathing work of art. It is so very cool!
This show is one of those things you have to experience and see for yourself. The ‘actors’ fill a giant-sized canvas complete with backdrops, foregrounds and 3D props. They manage to hold still in their poses, all painted and dressed up in costumes, to help bring the artwork to life. It is absolutely incredible!
The outdoor amphitheater has a romantic ambiance that helps make the show feel truly magical. Starlit skies, cool air, and plenty of legroom. Add a wonderful orchestra and live narration to assemble one of the most entertaining art pageants of it’s kind, anywhere.
This is one of those events where you can bring your own picnic, or have a delightful dinner at the charming Tivoli Terrace that overlooks the exhibits. Again, I want to mention the word ‘romantic’ -Just saying’.
What a fun day for all of us. Even my kids enjoyed it. Before the event we wandered around looking at the displays by some amazing local artists (including jewelers!) and listened to a live band while we munched on snacks from the snack bar.
Visit again next year? I think we shall. And we will bring more friends and family with us. This is an event to be shared and cherished, and a must-see for locals who are looking for something amazing to do on those long summer evenings.