A Truly Magical Cruise With Disney
When it comes to Disney, I have to say they go all the way. I have been on a number of cruises, and my cruise with Disney aboard the Disney Magic was as ‘magical’ as it could possibly be.
This is not just a cruise for little ones, although I will say that Disney sure knows what it’s doing when it comes to keeping the young entertained. The daily activities that were scheduled for the young and old (well, more like middle aged) alike kept us all hopping. I’m not kidding when I say we could have stayed on board that ship every day, all day, for a month and not run out of incredible things to do.
From the minute you walk through the boarding door the entertainment and excitement hits you, as the crew announces you to the ship over the loud speakers; just like Cinderella entering the ball. The excitement just keeps growing as you make your way to your cabin to see what is in store for you there. Our stateroom was awesome, by the way, with a portal at the front of the ship where we could watch flying fish avoid the bow.
For this cruise my husband and I took our two youngest kiddos. Our stateroom had a large queen bed and a couch that was made into a bed every evening by the stateroom purser. There was also a twin bunk above the couch that was brought down each night and made ready, and then put away every morning while we were at breakfast. Like magic.
The young man that took care of our room was incredible. He was like a ghost. We hardly ever saw him and yet our room was always spotless. Every evening when we got back to our room our beds were turned down and there was a new origami towel animal on the bed with Disney chocolates. Our kids loved it!
It was a wonderful week full of delicious food, entertainment, Disney characters, more delicious food, fun music and parties. Add to this some lazy days in the sun, a pirate night, outdoor movies, exciting shore excursions and of course… more food. Wow! We went to bed every night exhausted, and so full of incredible food we couldn’t breathe and yet completely happy and satisfied with our day.
The Disney Magic has an ‘adults only‘ area, too. While the kiddos are off having adventures, building volcanos, baking cookies, and doing scavenger hunts (all under the incredible supervision of fun and magical young councilors), the adults can unwind at their own ‘adults only’ deck, pool, coffee shop, clubs and intimate restaurant. I actually like the fun, crazy pulse of the family areas and pools, but the choice is there for you if you want some alone time.
Every evening we hit the night show which I have to compare to some of the broadway shows I have seen. The talent of the cast members is amazing! Then on to a late dinner. You know… because we weren’t getting enough food. (I hear it is mandatory to gain at least 10 pounds on a cruise, and I think Disney can top that.)
Every night for our fine dining we changed among three restaurants, and our waiters followed us. How they keep this all organized is beyond me. Lumiere’s is straight out of Beauty and the Beast, with an elegant theme. Parrot Cay had a fun, laid back Island mood, and my favorite restaurant was the Animator’s Palate...
Animator’s Palate was very cool indeed. It is a large, chic room done completely in black and white, with Disney Character portraits on the wall. The waiters are dressed in black and white as well. There are large paint brushes throughout the restaurant that start at the floor and reach to the ceiling with the tips of the paint brush. As the night progresses the paint brushes start to get color in them. Soon color starts to appear on the walls, and by the end of dinner the whole room is colorful. The waiters end up in color as well. It was so very cool!
Our waiters were magnificent also. There is nothing like being catered to day and night for 8 days. No cleaning, no cooking, no worries. Just a week full of music, great food and lots of fun! What a wonderful vacation! I highly recommend this cruise to everyone! It is very worth the price.
Thanks Disney Magic, for the incredible service, the mouth watering cuisine, and the enchanted memories. You truly exceeded our expectations, and we will definitely cruise with you again!