Vitality: Feel Healthy, Feel Great
We all want to have vitality and feel bright and energized each day. But in today’s modern lifestyle we are so busy juggling different projects, home lives, children, and work commitments that it’s easy to become fatigued and overwhelmed at times. Luckily there are a few things we can do to help get back that zing and feel vibrant again.
- Get more sleep. It might sound obvious but studies reveal that a worryingly large proportion of adults are not getting enough sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is important for our heart, mind and wellbeing. Think about how wretched you feel after a bad night’s sleep, and how amazing you feel after a great night’s sleep. Our bodies need sleep to improve memory and concentration, boost positive feelings, increase energy, stabilize weight, and strengthen the immune system. Long term poor sleep has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and depression. So do yourself a favor and go to bed an hour earlier, and wake up fresh and ready to tackle the new day!
- Check your iron levels. Many women have insufficient levels of iron, which can be a factor in tiredness, low energy and poor concentration. Iron is an important nutrient as it helps our bodies harness energy from the foods we eat. It assists red blood cells in bringing oxygen to the rest of the body. Women actually need more iron than men. So try to include some iron rich foods in your diet such as lean red meats, poultry, fish, oysters and dark green leafy vegetables.
- Exercise. We all know the benefits of exercise but thinking about it and doing it are two different things! Feeling fit and strong is important for your health, confidence and overall well-being. When you exercise your brain releases positive endorphins, or ‘good mood’ feelings. You feel a sense of accomplishment, are getting fitter and stronger, and you feel better about yourself and what you’re doing.
- Quiet time. This is so important in our fast-paced world. We are often on the go non-stop from morning till night. We seldom have the chance for some quiet time to just be still. We need a bit of quiet time to ourselves each day, even if it’s just 10 minutes alone with a cup of tea. It gives our minds a chance to rest, have a break from answering questions, and enjoy some space and peace. Work out what is the best way for you to have quiet time. It might be going for a walk, pottering in the garden, or soaking in a bath.
- Re-acquaint yourself with nature. We spend so much of our time in built environments that getting back to nature can have truly restorative qualities. Contact with the natural environment promotes a sense of wonder and fascination, reduces stress, calms nerves, and encourages a sense of well-being. It’s no co-incidence that inspirational posters often have pictures of nature settings.
- Laugh out loud. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to lift the spirits. We all need a bit of laughter therapy from time to time. So watch a funny show, read a hilarious book or go to a comedy show. Get the giggles out, have fun and see the lighter side of things. Laughter is truly a great medicine.
Did you know that vitality comes from the Latin word vitalitas which means “vital force, life”. By taking care of ourselves, sleeping well, eating well, exercising, laughing and getting out in the great outdoors we can help ourselves to live, grow and develop to be our best.
What are some steps you take to increase your energy levels?
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