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Add Sparkle To Your Home When You Shine Your Sink!

My sister introduced me to The Fly Lady  a long time ago, and I wanted to share a few things that I have learned from this  fun and incredibly helpful website. The Fly Lady site is loaded with many tricks, tips and ideas that can help make your life easier.

One thing that has helped me in my house is to shine my sink every night. It might sound like a little thing, and to be honest, when I first read about it I thought it was nuts. But I decided to give it a try and I have to say that waking up to a shiny sink has indeed been wonderful.

My kitchen might not always be spotless, and I might even have a dish or two left on the counter, but I try to shine my sink every night. That way when I wake up in the morning to a  sparkly-clean sink instead of a sink full of dirty dishes, I don’t feel overwhelmed right from the start. Just doing this ‘one little thing‘ has helped my day to start out better.

Now, I’m not saying I am perfect at shining my sink, but I try really hard because it really does have a strong affect on me the next morning as I look at my sparkling clean sink. Even if the rest of the house is a little messy.

Shining your sink is one of the first steps in the Fly Lady’s helpful hints with your housework. Whether you are a stay at home mom, or working away from home and then coming home to keep a house clean, plan and cook for your family, the ideas you will find on this website are amazing. If you haven’t heard of The Fly Lady, and you find yourself in need of some good house keeping ideas like how to de-clutter or get organizedtaking time for you, and a system to keep your home neat and tidy that will really work, then you will love this website.

I am always happy for whatever help I can get in trying to run a household and keep my family happy, healthy and organized. I love to share what I discover, so believe me when I say that every home deserves some help and advice from The Fly Lady.

The Fly Lady wants you to shine your sink, so I wanted to show you a great way to do just that. After I load my dishes in the dishwasher and hand wash anything that requires special attention, I rinse out and dry my sink so that it is pretty and has a nice shine.  Once  or twice a week I grab a half of a lemon and scrub my sink as if the lemon were a scrubber. The lemon juice is amazing on getting out any hard water stains in my sink and around the faucet. Citrus, especially  lemons  are a great cleaner and can be used for all sorts of things around the house.

I would also like to say that cleaning my sink with lemon was very easy, and did a much better job that some of the expensive cleaners I have used.


So grab a lemon and  shine your sink, and see how you feel in the morning.


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: info@dandelionmoms.com and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at: www.melissanorthway.com, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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