Health: You May be Magnesium Deficient.
Ask the Doctor:
Question: I have a hard time sleeping & have some mild anxiety. I heard magnesium might help… is that true?
Magnesium is the fourth abundant mineral in the body – half found in the bones and the other half inside body tissues and organs – and is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions. Some of these reactions include: enzymes activation, normal heart and nerve function, keeping the heart pumping strong and steady, regulate calcium levels, plus other important nutrients in the body like copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D. Those are some of the big jobs; however, magnesium plays some other key roles in immune function, diabetes, and blood pressure.
Like most nutrients, magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine and a healthy gut is necessary for proper absorption of magnesium from the diet. Common digestive illnesses like, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, candidiasis, diarrhea and constipation may limit the amount of magnesium that the body will be able to absorb. Be sure to look at your digestive health.
(A little digestive system review with HBD: The Lucky Escape might help!)
Subclinical (or early ) Signs of Magnesium Deficiency:
- fatigue
- insomnia
- anxiety and panic attacks
- muscle cramps
Food Sources:
- dark green and leafy vegetables: kale, spinach, chard
- most nuts and seeds: almonds, brazil nuts, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds
- whole grains
- beans and peas: soybeans ( edamame)
As a doctor, when a patient comes to me with some mild anxiety or insomnia, part of my treatment almost always involves a magnesium supplement. It works wonders with relaxation and sleep. A liquid magnesium (with calcium: 1:1 ratio) or Seroyal’s Magneleurves, which is a powder form of magnesium that is mixed with water, are ideal to take before bed. I have them take the supplement for 3 months, and then we re evaluate.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
If you are interested in purchasing, Magneleuvres, you can through my shop supplements via Emerson Ecologics.
Be well,
Magnesium Trivia
Without magnesium, our muscles would be in a constant state of contraction.
Low magnesium is referred to as, hypomagnesemia.
Serotonin, the “feel good” hormone, requires magnesium for release and reception by cells in the brain.
Taking Epsom Salt baths may help. The salts have a good amount of magnesium that will be absorbed through the skin.
Photos courtesy of: https://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20562810_6,00.html

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