Stay Fit with These Mommy and Me Activities
Just after my first child was born, I completely lost track of my weight. I was so busy spending time bonding with my daughter that I stopped taking care of my body. If someone told me that I could have been working out while connecting with my baby, I probably would have thought they were a sandwich short of a picnic.
By the time the Mommy & Me exercise craze hit, my daughter was already out of diapers, but I had taken notice.
During my second pregnancy, I gained 40 pounds and developed tendonitis in my shoulder. After my son was born, I immediately signed up for the Mommy & Me classes and had an absolute blast keeping fit, exercising my injured shoulder and engaging my son at the same time.
Nevertheless, not all of us can afford to run off to the gym at a moment’s notice, especially with an infant in tow. Here are four great activities you can do at home to trim and tone your body while hanging out with your little one.
Peek-a-boo Squats (for your lower body)
Make squats fun (for you at least) by playing a classic children’s game.
- Place your baby can be sitting in his high chair.
- Cover your eyes, and perform a regular squat in front of your baby.
- As you rise, uncover your eyes and say, “Peek-a-boo!”
- Repeat 10 times.
Kitty Stretch (for your core)
This lovely yoga move targets your abdominal muscles and chest while opening up back and shoulders to ease back pain.
- Using a yoga mat, start on your hands and knees with your head and back in a straight line. Place your baby on her back below you.
- Arch your back upward and contract your abdomen in and up toward your ribs while simultaneously lowering your chin to make eye contact with your baby. Hold for five seconds.
- Lift your head to look up, and reverse the arch. Hold for five seconds.
- Repeat 10 times.
High-Chair Lunges (for your lower body)
Treats for baby, gorgeous thighs and butt for you!
- Put your baby in his high chair or stroller and face him. Place your left foot back about three feet and your hands on your waist.
- Bend both legs until your right thigh is parallel to the ceiling, keeping your right knee in line with your ankle.
- Give a small snack (such as cereal puffs) to your baby, and slowly return to standing, pushing through your right heel.
- Repeat 10 times, alternating sides.
Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes (for your core)
This move is a little trickier to master, but it’s one heck of a workout!
- Place your baby on your belly and lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides, knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- With your knees together, lift your legs off the floor, making a 90- degree angle. Your knees should be over your hips and your calves parallel to floor.
- While lifting your legs, lift your head and shoulders off the ground, too.
- Hold for five deep breaths (about 20 seconds), keeping your navel pulled toward your spine; return to start.
- Repeat three times.
So there you have it! It is possible to focus on yourself while getting to know your baby. Plus, it keeps you from having to spend your precious alone time on a treadmill. Save it all up for a hot bath, time with your significant other or just some good old-fashioned sleep.
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