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Reflections :: Shine on Pip – Shine On



My Sweet Pip,    

I’ve been reflecting the last few weeks about all that has happened in 365 days and trust me, you will hear about it your entire life…Your first year here baby girl, was one hell of a ride…And you have the scars to show for it – Literally…

At least once a day, I run my finger over the scar that saved your life and fixed your heart…You endured so much, too much & because of it I know you can & will get through anything…I promise I will always tell you how strong you are & how proud I am of your spirited fighter determination…



But I don’t want to reflect on all that today…I want to instead tell you how much I simply love you…Finding out I was even pregnant with you was shocking…Your brother was only 7 months old and we were just getting into the swing of having a baby when we found out we were having another one…


I remember finding out you were a girl, panicking cause I saw some tweens in outfits that made me cringe as a mumma & calling my girlfriends saying if you were going to be anything like your fiesty brother, I’m done for…


I bought you your first pair of Mary Janes & your little feet even now won’t fit into them…They sit there & at this point I almost want to keep them to hang on to that sweet memory…



Two weeks before you were born we moved 7 hours away, you weren’t supposed to be born till December 31st but I knew you’d be coming early…I wanted your room to be absolutely perfect…I had no intent of even putting you in there for months but I still wanted everything to be as I pictured it…


Life is funny like that Pip…You picture it a certain way & then when it somehow turns out different you can’t even remember how you pictured it to begin with…I pictured you being healthy…I pictured you being loud & demanding like your brother…I pictured you fitting into this “typical” little family of 4…


And as life has it, you are none of those things…You were born with a hole in your heart & cataracts in your eyes…You are sweet & joyful & content…You also are rocking my perceptions of what “typical” or “normal” even is…You my darling girl are a life changer…

You are shattering what I pictured you and our lives to be into something so much more…Something so damn beautiful and unique that I now can’t picture it any other way…

You have brought with you in such a short time such a light…You shine darling…And I can’t wait to see how bright you get…


I adore you…I’m honoured, humbled & oh so happy to be your mumma…Happy 1st birthday my Reid Layne…So glad we made it thus far…

I love you beyond

Love Mum 




A few nights ago while looking through all the birthday letters for Pip, I came across one from a young mum who wasn’t sure how she stumbled upon Pip & Happy Soul Project…But because of Pip she had decided NOT to abort her baby boy with Down syndrome…Life changing…

I knew it right away…My girl is going to change the world…She’s changed mine..Shine on Pip, shine on…


After reading that I posted this video on Happy Soul Project’s Facebook page & I hope friends, you take a few minutes to watch this & share…

This Little Light of Mine is Pip

And thank you everyone for making my girl feel so beautifully special…



Tara.headshot.35878_10150227736525593_862620592_13124906_5530720_n-001 (2)About the Author:

Tara is a quirky wanna-be Writer/Blogger, adoring/annoyed wife, minivan mum to 2 hooligans, one who just happens to have Down syndrome & most importantly a Happy Soul..She is the founder of Happy Soul Project  {}  & is currently working on her first book. You can reach Tara at

Note: Previously published on Happy Soul Project by Tara Cassidy McCallan


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


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