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Smart Child Car Seat Could Save Lives



 Image courtesy of Aneiros.


Vehicular heat stroke deaths of children have gone up about 400% since 1992 (via Kids and Cars) and on average, one child dies every 10 days due to vehicular heat stroke (via Safe Kids WorldWide).  A child’s body regulates body heat at 1/4th the efficiency as an adult. This means they heat up significantly faster than we do. A common misconception is that only “working” or “non-educated” class people are the ones who experience heat stroke deaths with children, when in reality it happens to people of all education and tax brackets.  I remember hearing about a mother who drove to work and forgot to drop her child off at daycare and left her in the car all day.  It does seem hard to imagine that this could happen – but unfortunately it happens more frequently than you would expect. That is why I am really happy to hear about a new smart child car seat that can alert parents when their children are overheating and even turn on the car’s air conditioning if needed!  Read more about this fascinating new company and their life-saving car seat!


 The Inspiration Behind Aneiros:

The creator of the smart child car seat, Dennis Aneiros, received his inspiration for the seat system, when his stepson, Jonathan, was about 8 years old and was playing outside their our apartment complex with the local neighborhood kids. One of the kids had obtained a gas powered go-kart scooter, which was entirely unsafe and not in good condition. Jonathan said that “We all gathered around it, eager to be the first one to drive. Out of nowhere, my stepfather popped up, and got in the Go-Kart ahead of all the kids, joking that since he’s the “oldest kid” there he deserved to ride it first. He always had a great sense of humour haha. Anyways, it turns out the scooter had faulty brakes. As my stepdad pulled out of the parking lot, a car emerged out of nowhere. Dennis slammed on the brakes, which did not work. He slammed under the moving car. He shattered his right leg, bleeding profusely. Long story short, after spending months hospitalized and wheelchair bound, he knew that it could of easily been one of us kids in that scooter, who would have mostly likely died in that situation. An automotive professional, he wanted to create something that would make kids safer around cars. But he didn’t know what or how. But the feeling always remained there, a nagging sensation to create something for the greater good of children and vehicles. That is until a few months later, when he heard a heartbreaking tragedy on the news of a local child who passed away after being left behind in a hot car. It immediately came to him. He then knew that that was what he had to create. He then embarked on a mission to make a car seat system that would eliminate these deaths. Fast forward until now, that is how the ANEIROS originated.” (Interview with Jonathan Machado).
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The Aneiros new “smart” child car seat helps end vehicular heat stroke deaths of children which surprisingly happens once  every 10 days. The seat system alerts parents of a child trapped in a car, can detect if the child is overheating and will activate the car’s air  conditioning system to cool them down.The system has received support from US House of Congress  Members, and has even raised a few thousand dollars so far on  the crowd funding site IndieGoGo.  We are fortunate to be able to provide one Smart Child Car Seat System for a lovely dandelion moms once the product becomes available this coming November.  They are expecting the retail price to be between $250 to $350 and will be available on their website and through Amazon.
To learn more about this innovative Smart Child Care Seat visit:
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Good luck dandelion moms!

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Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


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