Parenting :: Why Summer Camp Is Hot
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Every summer parents look for ways to entertain our children. If you haven’t considered it yet, summer camps are a valuable alternative to day care or countless trips to the local park. Summer camps are available in so many formats; half day, full day, week-long, and even two week-long camps. Opportunities abound! But what are your kids really going to get out of summer camp? The specifics depend on what kind of camp they are participating in, but here are a few of the benefits:
1. Kids in summer camps try new things, learn new skills, discover talents and new interests. Learning about themselves and making accomplishments builds self-confidence.
2. Campers get lots of physical activity. Choosing a sport-related camp, adventure camp, or nature- themed camp will guarantee that your child will be moving. A lot.
3. They will have real-life experiences – just real people participating in real activities. And unless they’re enrolling on one of the technology-related camps, they’ll be hard-pressed to find time for computers, iPads, and phones.
4. They’ll learn more about problem-solving, teamwork, social skills and build real, meaningful relationships.
Image Courtesy of Treehugger.com
A few things to keep in mind:
Youngsters aged 5-8 are the best candidates for the partial or half-day camps. If they’re usually in day care anyway, full day camps may be suitable. Partial and full day camps can vary from one week sessions, to full summer sessions.
Full day camps are great options for kids aged 9-12.
Campers 13 and over are ideal candidates for resident camps that last a week or more.
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Where to look:
Organizations like the YMCA offer resident, weekly, and monthly camp programs. For more information or to find a YMCA location near you, visit https://www.ymca.net/.
Check with your local parks and recreation department. In Orange County, California campers have access to basketball camp, Lego camp, Mad Science camp, and so much more. Parks and Recreation programs tend to run partial to full day and last one to two weeks, but this may vary depending on your location. They are usually more affordable than specialty camps.
Pick up a copy of your local parenting magazine. Most major areas have a local parenting publication or website. You can usually find a directory of camps listed on their pages.
Check out https://www.summercamps.com/. Search for camps based on your preferences to find the perfect fit in your area.
Local Picks:
Orange County YMCA – https://www.ymcaoc.org/
Camp James at Newport Dunes – https://campjames.com/
AstroCamp, Catalina Sea Camp and Tall Ship Summer Sailing – https://californiasummercamps.org/
City of Irvine Summer Programs – https://www.cityofirvine.org/cityhall/cs/commparks/camps/default.asp