How Parties Affect Children’s Cognitive Development
Children absolutely love birthday parties, especially if they are the ones who are celebrating and inviting all their friends. However, their purpose is not just having fun, blowing some candles and eating delicious cake – these are influencing children’s cognitive development more than anyone could imagine. Here are some main reasons that parents should take into consideration when trying to decide whether to throw a birthday party for their children or not. Trust us – you won’t regret if you choose to do it!
Showing Love
Many parents spend a lot of time working away from home, which is why they are not with their children as much time as they would like to. When an important date comes up, such as children’s birthday, parents should do everything they can to be with them. It is actually the best occasion to show their kids how much they love them. After all, it is not just any date, but the most important one in the development of any human being. Also, they will learn how to show their emotions in the right way, which is particularly helpful in enhancing their social relationships.
Boosting Self-Esteem
Being in the center of attention on that very special day makes a birthday boy or girl feel extraordinary. Everyone is there because of them, to celebrate significant date in their lives, which is a great self-esteem booster. An amazing birthday party with a lot of friends and presents around is one-of-a-kind confirmation of their personality, and kids should have it for that reason.
Developing Social Skills
Celebrating birthday with their family and friends helps children build their social identity. Parents should do their best to provide their children with an ultimate source of fun and entertainment which will be educational at the same time. For example, throwing a superhero or army party will help them learn many important life lessons and develop desirable personality traits such as:
- Gratitude
Being grateful and expressing their thanks is an amazing trait that children can have. Grateful children are always kind and thankful towards the others, which are indeed traits of superheroes. Kids should identify with them, because they express their gratitude in the best possible way. Surviving many battles helps them appreciate life, and children should learn how to do that, too. This is exactly why parents should tell them stories about these marvelous guys.
- Generosity
Kids learn to share during their birthday parties, especially when it comes to party favors that are provided for all guests. Such a small gift is an extraordinary token of appreciation and gratitude which says “Thank you for being my guest!” in the best possible way. Also, younger children learn how to share their toys with other kids, which is a great lesson that will be more than useful later in life.
- Fairness
Treating all the guests equally is a key to successful party, and also an incredible trait that will allow children to grow up into intelligent adults. This kind of celebration makes kids popular among their friends, which is why they should always be kind towards everyone. Helping a friend who is not very good at socializing by inviting him or her to a birthday party is indeed very praiseworthy. This is an amazing way to discover an amusing side of that friend’s personality, which may result in his or her acceptance by everyone.
Making Memories for Life
Capturing images of children’s special moments will make unforgettable memories. Seeing those photos years after will help them strengthen their identity, because they will be able to realize the difference between being a ‘kid’ and being ‘big’. Parents can further motivate them by highlighting all the achievements which occurred during that particular period of time. This will largely contribute to building their self-confidence.
In the end, the only thing that matters is that a birthday is celebrated with people who love a birthday boy or girl the most. If everyone important is there, it will definitely be an amazing party where all the kids will enjoy celebrating and playing with each other. It doesn’t really matter whether the party is big or small – the atmosphere is the one that is essential. If children can feel the love from their dearest ones, they will develop into generous and kind young people who appreciate real values in life.
Photos courtesy of Tracey Clayton
About author:
Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate in writing. She is contributor on High Style Life and her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.” Find her on Facebook.