Spring Cleaning Your Liver: Best Ways To Cleanse
Spring Cleaning Your Liver: Best Ways To Cleanse
The liver is found on the right side of your body, your largest internal organ plus the hardest working organ in the body. It has hundreds of functions from processing all the foods you eat and drink, storage of nutrients, produces proteins, breaks down fats that are used for energy and aids in breaking down chemicals to be removed from the body, just to name a few. Giving your liver support, will help it function optimally and help you ward off any possible illnesses.
Spring cleaning is not just for your house but it’s also the perfect time for your body, especially your liver. During the winter months, we all tend to do a little overindulging in treats, drinks, foods in general and perhaps, a lack of exercise. Spring is the ideal time to make a few simple shifts in your daily routine to give your liver some loving support.
The best foods you can eat for your liver are whole colorful foods like green leafy vegetables and other plant- based foods. They are packed with nutrients and fiber. Beets, carrots, garlic, avocados, apples, lemons, turmeric, and olive oil are good foods to add to your diet as well.
Hydrate with Herbal Teas
Sip on these teas during the day either hot or brew a pitcher of iced tea and keep in the fridge to grab instead of sugary drinks. Try green tea, white tea, dandelion tea, milk thistle or a blend of all of them.
Hydrotherapy is simple, comforting and very stimulating ( get that blood moving) for the body. I speak a great deal about magic socks especially when your are sick or have a headache but there are two other treatments that are ideal for liver cleansing.
Dry Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing increases the movement of the lymphatic system and also encourages blood circulation. The lymphatic system picks up waste materials in the body and moves it into the blood to be removed via the emunctories. This system doesn’t have a pump to help move it along ( like the heart) so it relies on movement, exercise, massage (this is your excuse!) and dry skin brushing.
The how to: Purchase a natural bristle brush at your local health food store; begin at your arms and legs and brush towards the middle of your body/heart.
Castor oil packs
Castor oil packs are great for stomach aches or issues with constipation or diarrhea; however, it is mostly used to support the liver for detoxification. Adding to castor oil packs to your liver cleansing routine is smart plus it can be very relaxing and restorative.
Learn more about it here.
Dr. Heather Manley will be offering a webinar on the topic next Wednesday the 6th at 11 am PST. For more information go here: https://attendee.