Celebrate Bad Moms with some girlfriends – In Theaters July 29th
BAD MOMS – In Theaters July 29
In this new comedy from the grateful husbands and devoted fathers who wrote The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life – a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However she’s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that she’s about to snap.
Fed up, she joins forces with two other over-stressed moms on a quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities – going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of long overdue freedom, fun and self-indulgence – putting them on a collision course with PTA Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms. I had a chance to see an early screening of the movie and I have to say it is hysterical! If you liked The Hangover and Bridesmaids you are going to love this movie!
The story is funny and very relatable for all moms. Whether you are the fed up mom, PTA mom or single mom, there is something for everyone. It can be a bit raunchy so if you like this type of humor you’ll be crying in your seat from laughter (there was one scene that I couldn’t stop laughing at and kinda felt bad for the men seated next to me…). I would highly recommend you take some of your best girlfriends and head over the the theater on July 29th for some laughs.
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Jay Hernandez, Clark Duke, Annie Mumolo, with Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate
Studio: STX Entertainment
Genre: Comedy
Writers/Directors: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore
Producers: Suzanne Todd, Bill Block

We had a chance to sit down with the writers/directors and producer as well as some of the cast at The Beverly Hills Hotel courtesy of STX Entertainment. I have to hand it to them, they treated us bloggers as royalty – to spa treatments (yes, I love my job), back rubs if we needed them and some fun photo ops to get us in the mood for some Bad Mom behavior. Kidding aside, a big thank you for taking care of us STX! All moms deserve kudos for tackling a tough job!
I think it would be a great idea if grocery stores handed us a glass of our favorite beverage as we entered their store to do some shopping! Now that is my kind of shopping experience!
Here is what Mila and Kathyrn had to say about mothering and some mistakes they’ve made along the way (it happens to the best of us doesn’t it?!).
Blogger: Good afternoon. Female roles in outrageous comedies tend to be relegated to a girlfriend or a sidekick. Did you find it empowering to have a script that was so funny and relatable and written specifically from a female perspective?
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: Well, I feel like had I not been lucky enough to be in this movie, I would have been so excited to see it. And I would have started an e-mail chain and got all my mommy pals. I just feel like, so often moms and mommies in movies are kind of painted with like a saintly glow around them.
And we know that that’s just not the truth. And we’ve got so much more complexity than anyone could–so, I was so excited to just to see mommyhood examined from like the way that we all know it, or at least would love to experience. I know there’s a ton of wish fulfillment in this particular movie. Like, it would be real. So much of it looks like a ball, like this afternoon. Like, how decadent does this feel?
And we deserve it, damn it. Yes. Yes. I have a six-year-old and a nine-year-old, and you guys are obviously the cool bloggers and the chill bloggers. And I found it really, really helpful especially because my parents don’t live in LA.
So, you know, it’s not the same culture where your mom comes over to help you babysit. At least, I wasn’t lucky enough for that. So, you depend on your pals or other amazing women that are going through it or have gone through it or can like–so, thank God. You can’t do it by yourself. And it takes a village. And I think this movie is such an awesome message of the solidarity. Like, we’re all in it together. We can’t just lessen those expectations.

Blogger: Hi there. So, we were sitting, talking after the movie last night. Like, they were totally in our head. I mean it was so relatable. But, we want to know if you guys have had any bad mom moments yourself with your kids, just any oops.
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: Yes.
Blogger: Or oh craps.
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: Okay, my son was maybe a half a year old, not even. I keep making him younger as it goes to kind of make me feel better, crying so hard, did not know–.
Blogger: –It was last year.
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: It was last year. What’s the matter? What’s the matter? I was checking his fingers and toes. I didn’t know what he would–it was like he wouldn’t eat. It was like a mess. Finally changed his diaper, and one of my hairs had wrapped itself around his nuts like five times.
Blogger: Aw.
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: Almost castrated my child. That was a good moment, she says, downing her mimosa.
Ms. Mila Kunis: It’s a good story, right? I know. I know. It makes me laugh every time.
Ms. Kathryn Hahn: He’ll be thrilled I told it.
Ms. Mila Kunis: My story, I don’t know if you guys have interviewed Annie [Mumolo] yet, but my story is similar to Annie. So, I’ve only been a mom for 21 months, but it’s pretty good. So, Wyatt was like at seven, eight months old, and I was driving to visit my husband at work. And driving with an eight month old for a couple hours is like going on a road trip.
So, you have to pack all this stuff up in anticipation of everything going horribly wrong with the first baby. Second baby doesn’t matter. First baby, you’re like, oh, my God, everything’s going to go wrong. So, you pack the car up with all this stuff.
And I was like I did it. I put her in the car. Like, I high five myself. I’m driving down the 101. And I was like oh, my God, I’m doing really good today. And he was being really quiet, and I was like, oh, let me look in the rear view mirror to make sure everything’s okay. And I look, and she’s happy as can be, but just not nearly strapped in.
And I was like, oh, fuck me. And I’m on the 101, and she’s just like blah, like fine in her car seat, nothing, no strap whatsoever. And I think I just turned white. It was like what do I do? So, I pulled over. I calmly like crawled in the backseat, strapped her in, continued to drive, I’m never talking about this story to anybody ever. It’s just going to be me, myself, and I, lesson learned. I’m so grateful.
I literally pull up to my husband’s work and just burst out crying. I was like I fucked up. I fucked up. And lo and behold, a year later, like two, three weeks ago, a month ago, I came to get Wyatt out of the backseat of the car, and my husband put her in. And so, I went in to get her out. And we were out, about. And I opened the car door, and she’s not strapped in whatsoever. And I was like thank God. I was so excited. I wasn’t alone.
And everybody’s fine. Everybody lived. It’s only a little bit illegal. But, you know, I made a little bit of a mess up.
And here is what Christina and Annie said about the cast chemistry and motherhood:
Blogger: Mila was mentioning the great chemistry that the cast all had. And, you know, watching it, you can tell that it must have been a blast to make. What are your favorite memories from the filming?
Ms. Christina Applegate: Talking with all the girls in a circle in our chairs about politics and our children. That was the conversation every day. It went back and forth from being a mother and politics, mother, politics, mother, politics, mother, politics. They kind of go hand in hand because one’s going to form the future for our offspring as well.
Ms. Annie Mumolo: Yes.
Ms. Christina Applegate: They be ugh.
Ms. Annie Mumolo: Hmm. Hmm.
Ms. Christina Applegate: Sorry for the language, but they be fucked.
Ms. Annie Mumolo: What? I mean we all got the flu.
Ms. Christina Applegate: That’s your favorite part?
Ms. Annie Mumolo: Well–.
Ms. Christina Applegate: –She was on death’s door–.
Ms. Annie Mumolo: –I almost died.
Ms. Christina Applegate: You were dead a little bit, yes.
Ms. Annie Mumolo: I died a little. I died. But, no, everybody was so supportive. Like, I was very sick, and Jada [Pinkett Smith] was sick, and Christina sent this big box of hot toddy mix, and which I drank the whole thing.
Ms. Christina Applegate: You were like, you could text me. Like, I don’t even need the tea. You’re like I’m just going to have the whisker.
All the cast members were super funny and engaged with us bloggers. I enjoyed hearing about their challenges with motherhood and you got the feeling that we are all in the same boat. Motherhood can be tough and as one of the writers said Motherhood is a Rated R gig. It can be tough and dirty and some days downright heartbreaking.
Writers/Directors: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore and Producer: Suzanne Todd, Bill Block (was not present).
Jon and Scott said when deciding on a new script to write they started looking around at their own lives to get ideas and would see their wives running from school, to the PTA to sport activities and knew they had a story to tell – in all its comedy! They both asked their wives for help and suggestions for the movie as they had a lot to say about the lives of moms these days. There is so much pressure to try to do everything perfect (what is that anyway?) that I found the movie refreshing because it shows that we all need to give each other a break – like a BIG break on this whole motherhood thing. Somewhere along the way it seems like our roles as mothers has become so hyper-criticized. Maybe it has something to do with social media and people saying things online they probably wouldn’t say in person but the message of the movie is just enjoy it. Enjoy yourselves and your family and give yourself a big fat break moms! You are doing an awesome job!
Bad Moms celebrates “Bad Mother’s Day” on July 29 – the Mother’s Day you really want and deserve! Get tickets now: https://www.badmomstickets.com/
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Be sure to celebrate “Bad Mother’s Day” on July 29th! Want to see what some bloggers plan on doing on this day? Check out the video STX created for some laughs. Unfortunately, it was a long two days of media events (I know, no sympathy deserved, but I was beat) so I am just not funny. My daughter even said I was the least funny of the mom bloggers. Oh well, what can you do. But I am planning on getting my #BadMoms tattoo this next week! Pictures and a post will be coming up to see what is involved. I think I need a drink.
0See how some #BadMoms plan to spend "Bad Mother's Day" on July 29th! @BadMoms https://t.co/WoJF6YGFJo
Melissa Northway
(@MelissaNorthway) July 24, 2016