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Boys Need Help, Too: Old Spice Launches EduTaining Puberty Videos


Boys Need Help, Too: Old Spice Launches EduTaining Puberty Videos

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This month, Old Spice Guy and actor Isaiah Mustafa (“Shadowhunters”) helped debut the NEW Old Spice School of Swagger, an online, video-based puberty curriculum available now at Developed by the same brand that has been helping guys navigate the seas of manhood for nearly 80 years, the four-part edutainment video series covers awkward topics guys face as they enter puberty, from that funky new smell to hair growth and oily skin.  I was invited to attend the Old Spice School of Swagger event in Los Angeles a few weeks back to help launch the new edutainment video series and was lucky enough to meet and interview the rather funny Old Spice Guy – Isaiah Mustafa!

“School is in session as actor and Old Spice Guy, Isaiah Mustafa, debuts the Old Spice School of Swagger, a new edutainment video series developed for boys entering puberty, tapping the brand’s 80 year history of helping guys navigate the seas of manhood. The video series provides answers to boys’ (and their parents) awkward puberty questions, including the importance of a good grooming regimen that starts with Old Spice’s Wild Collection of products, including new Invisible Spray anti-perspirants.”

I grew up always getting my dad Old Spice for both Christmas and his birthday!  It was always our go-to present because we knew he would use it.  Sometimes we’d throw in soap on a rope as well. I absolutely love the smell of Old Spice and continue buying it for my husband.  It is such a refreshing scent and they’ve come out with so many new scents including the  Old Spice’s Wild Collection (as seen in the School of Swagger videos).  My husband and daughter (yes, girls like the scents too!) love the new collection so much I placed it in the bathroom for both to enjoy!

Inspired by the wild kingdom’s personality traits, the Old Spice Wild Collection is available in anti-perspirants (NEW Invisible Sprays),deodorants, body washes, body sprays and shampoos, in the following scents:

●NEW Krakengärd – Smells like citrus, fresh herbs and the unspeakable power of the ancient ocean
●Bearglove – Commands grizzly – bear – level respect with smells of apple, citrus and spice
●Wolfthorn – The sort of sophisticated wolf who wears a suit that has a suave, sweet orange scent
●Hawkridge – Outwits unsuspecting stink with its sandalwood and vanilla scent
Always a ham!

About Isaiah Mustafa

 Isaiah Mustafa, Old Spice Guy, actor, and former NFL practice squad wide receiver.  In 2010, Isaiah Mustafa rose to instant fame after starring his first Old Spice ad (“The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”) that went viral during the Super Bowl, and continues to help guys navigate the seas of manhood for 7+ years. Isaiah currently plays Luke Garroway in the Freeform series “Shadowhunters” Isaiah pulled off an epic drone marriage proposal to his girlfriend last December. After a season on the Oakland Raiders and Cleveland Browns’ practice squads in 1999, Mustafa attended the Seattle Seahawks’ training camp in 2000.  You can check out our Facebook Live interview with the rather funny Old Spice Guy here.

School of Swagger Video Series:

 Entering puberty can be pretty stressful on both boys and girls and I love that these edutainment series help explain the changes happening to a boys body in a comical way.  These changes can be a little frightening and they have done such a wonderful job of showing how this is all part of growing up into a man.  As Isaiah said at the School of Swagger event “every man was a boy at one point.”  These products help give them the confidence they need during this time of change.  Like I mentioned, my daughter is going through some of these changes as well and she rather likes the Old Spice products as well!  Be sure to watch the videos with your boys (and girls!)
With the Old Spice Wild Collection, mom will hardly even smell that she has a son, while son still gets to unleash his wild side in a responsible, great-smelling way. Young guys like the Wild Collection because it allows them to express their personalities and spread their wings with confidence (but not too high and far, mom!)
Studying at The School of Swagger!

Some of the interesting facts we learned included:

– 550 Moms and 550 boys were asked in an Old Spice Study and they agreed that boys start smelling around 11 years of age. The School of Swagger videos are geared towards boys ages 10-12.
– It isn’t sweat that makes boys stink, it is the bacteria on the skin that causes the funky new smells.
– A lot of technology goes into the Old Spice products that includes a sweat activated molecule that releases a perfume when released.
– The sprays won’t leave a white mark on boys or men – it is invisible yet works hard at keeping our men and boys smelling fresh!
You’ll also want to check out their NEW “The Struggle Is Real: A Wild Guide to Growing-Up for Moms & Sons” here, to learn more about Old Spice’s new nationwide study that uncovered some interesting truths on growing up as viewed by moms & sons plus helpful tips from popular parenting expert Dr. G.  Some things you’ll learn include:
Man, He’s Wild. Here’s something else that needs taming during a son’s wild teenage boy years: grooming. When asked to name the biggest sign that a boy is on his way to becoming a man, here’s what tops moms’ list: when he showers or bathes without being told (29%) – followed by when he gets his first job (25%), and shaves for the first time (19%).
Road to Manhood. Boys see manhood’s signposts differently than mom, though. When he gets his driver’s license (23%) and when he shaves for the first time (23%) top boys’ list as the biggest sign that a boy is on his way to becoming man, followed by when he gets his first job (22%).

Jaime Stahl (Old Spice Sweat Scientist):

We  had a chance to interview Jaime Stahl the Old Spice Research and Development who is a Chemical Engineer.  She spoke about the amount of research that goes into the Old Spice products.  One of her jobs is to help develop the technologies to meet men’s personal care needs.  What most concerns them – scent, staying power, etc.  Then she brings this information back to the R&D team and they set about creating products that will address their concerns.  She used the example of the Old Spice product that guarantees 48 hour protection.  It is important for the company to have their shampoos, body spray, body wash, deodorant, new Invisible Spray antiperspirants, etc., do exactly what it says it will do.  She has helped develop a range of Old Spice products from the Hardest Working Collection, where the focus is performance to the Red Collection, where the focus is Old Spice’s amazing scents.



Moms and sons can find the Old Spice Wild Collection nationwide at drugstores, food stores and mass merchandisers.


Note:  This post is sponsored by Old Spice but all opinions are our own.  We have been huge fans of the Old Spice brand and will continue to be!  


Good News!  We’ve got a fun giveaway for the boys or man in your life!  Enter to WIN this Old Spice Wild Collection that includes:

Shampoo and Conditioner

Anti-antiperspirant and deoderant

Body Spray

Body Wash


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.