Art,  DIY,  Dwell

Tips for Buying and Displaying Art in Your Home


Images courtesy of Fenton and Fenton.

When I think back to the type of art I grew up around I realize that my parents would usually hang abstract images.  Nothing too fancy, they definitely weren’t art collectors, but when I came across two pieces on eBay, my parents owned I understood that my attraction to abstract work stems from way back when.  But don’t get me wrong, I love art in all it’s forms!  Art really does help finish a home. Spend a little time finding out what you love to see everyday and  brings you joy.  Here are some tips for decorating your home with art and best places to find it.


Buy what you love!

If you are not in love with a piece, don’t buy it!  I’ve made this mistake often enough and those pieces end up stuffed in my closet or garage waiting to be sold or donated. Spend the time looking around for something that you really want to hang in your home. Art can bring life a room, so make sure the piece makes you feel something – whether it brings back a memory, reminds you of someone or somewhere, or just brings a smile to your face, art should make you feel.


Images courtesy of Fenton and Fenton.

“Consider a contemporary piece for a traditional space and vice versa. It shakes it up and adds visual interest.”
This advice comes from art consultant, Daniel Kinkade, and I think it is great advice.  Just like you can mix up an expensive piece of jewelry with a less expensive piece, change it up in your living space as well.  I love mixing mid-century styles of art in sections with pieces of new and upcoming artists with a more pop culture vibe.
“Don’t try to match your art to the room. Instead, contrast and complement the space with art so it works with the room and doesn’t get lost.”  
Another great point from Daniel Kinkade.  I’ve been known to be drawn to certain colors in art but overall it is the overall piece that I look at and try not to have everything be matchy-match. (Source: Fenton and Fenton.).


Always hang your artwork at 57″ on center. Confused?

Step 1: Measure and lightly mark 57″ on the wall, measuring up from your floor.
Step 2: Measure artwork and divide by 2 (this gives you the center)
Step 3: Measure top of your picture to the tightened wire (or wherever you”ll hanging it from). This should be a pretty small amount, depending on your frame or canvas.
Step 4: Subtract that “tight wire” amount from number you figured out in step 2. This will tell you how far above 57″ your hook should go.
Step 5: Lightly mark wall just above 57″ with the “to the hook” amount you figured out in step 4.
Step 6: Hang that art with confidence!

“On center” means that the middle of the artwork is always at 57″ (obviously, this only applies to hanging art on an open wall or above lower furniture, rather than over taller features like a fireplace). Interestingly, the 57″ standard represents the average human eye-height and is regularly used as a standard in many galleries and museums. (Source: Apartment Therapy).

Save up!

Try not to buy art only because it is affordable and you want to fill up your walls.  Save for the piece you really want and don’t opt for the cheaper option unless it’s what you really want. And try not to over think the proportions, it doesn’t matter if it’s too big or too small, you will always find a spot for it. If it’s smaller, group it with some other pieces on a large wall. If it’s too big, just embrace the supersized look! Never too big in my opinion!


I’ve found two of my favorite pieces at an estate sale for less than $400 total.  These were pieces done by a local artist that was commissioned by the homeowners.  One of which is really large but looks great (I think) in my daughter’s game room area off the kitchen.


Image found on RUE

Best places to find affordable art:

Check out your local college or art school events.  They will usually host once a year art shows featuring new and upcoming artists!  Here you will be able to find affordable work while supporting your local art community.


Flea Market, Garage and Estate Sales

Some of my favorite pieces have come from estate sales!  You’d be amazed at the deals you can find.  In my dining area is an abstract piece that is interesting to look at but the frame alone is worth more than the $50 I paid at an estate sale years ago.  Again, do buy what you love.


I have found some pretty amazing deals on eBay.  You can find a ton of cool art at pretty reasonable prices.  Just search what you love – abstract art, mid-century art, surrealism, realism or an artist you like. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what comes up in your search. I found this cool piece many moons ago on eBay and just recently had it framed.  It is by a Mexican artist and was sold by an art gallery (online) in his country. The title is “Once Upon a Time” and fits in with our decor.


Image found on Pinterest.

Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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