Beauty,  Culture,  Travel

The Nolcha Shows during New York Fashion Week


Last month I was invited to attend The Nolcha Shows held during New York Fashion Week.  I have wanted to attend NYFW forever and this year I decided to just make it happen as I hadn’t been to New York in almost twenty years and I was long overdue.  Have you been?  It is one of my favorite cities and I can see why people fall in love with the place  – from the never ending nightlife to amazing food – this is one city everyone needs to visit at least once!

The week before I was scrambling trying to figure out what to wear and luckily, the ladies at Rebecca Taylor at Fashion Island and Nordstrom stylist Jeffrey, and Stylist Jose Antonio helped me with my outfits. It can be a little nerve-racking but with a little help from this crew I was feeling okay heading into NYFW!  Never-mind the day of the show it was 93 degrees and I was wearing a long-sleeve dress with faux fur.  Yep.  What can you do?!  I still had a fabulous time.


The Nolcha Shows are a leading award winning event for independent fashion designers to showcase their collections to a global audience of press, retailers, stylists and industry influencers. Over the past eleven years the Nolcha Shows have become established as a platform of discovery; promoting cutting edge innovative fashion designers through runway shows and exhibitions.



The Nolcha Shows have built an acclaimed reputation as a hot incubator of new fashion design talent and are officially listed by New York City Economic Development Corporation; offering a range of cost effective options to increase independent fashion designers recognition and develop their business. The successful showcase consistently receives positive media coverage including features in Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, New York Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, NBC and Inc and supported by brands including smartwater, Rusk, Vitamin Water, American Airlines, Don Q Rums and Landrover. (Source: The Nolcha Shows).




I attended the shows on Thursday and here are some of my favorite looks from ACID NYC, Vitruvius, Hathairat, and Eva Prokai AMNESIA.  I was loving the gorgeous colors and body-hugging designs from ACID NYC.  And Hathairat’s gorgeous use of red was one of my favorite looks.  Which is your favorite?





From Amnesia







You can check out our Facebook Live coverage here. And if you want to read more about The Nolcha Shows go here.


The Nolcha Shows Accessories event was the next day and featured such companies as NoFi Leathers, All Black Shoes, Gena Myint jewelry, Aranyani hand painted bags.


Gorgeous clutches from CoFi Leathers


Handpainted bag from Aranyani


Fall designs from ALL BLACK leather shoes made from tapia fish skin!


Gorgeous handmade jewelry from Gena Myint based in NY



Photo by Kristin Pulido

All in all, I had a fabulous time in the big city and hope to go back again soon!  Thank you to The Nolcha Shows crew for having me and to Michelle of Alkali Salon, Lynne Brownwell of Riviera Laser Studios, Rebecca Taylor Fashion Island, Jeffrey at Nordstrom and Stylist Jose Antonio for helping me get ready for the event!  It totally takes a village people!


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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