Ask the Doctor :: Low Energy Levels
Ask the Doctor:
Question: What steps/suggestions/supplements do you recommend to increase my energy levels?
Parents are tired. From a new borne and toddler who are physically exhausting to pre teens and teenagers who are both emotionally exhausting; being a parent is a lifetime job. However, to be the best parent, one needs to take care of themselves both physically and mentally to increase energy levels and feel better. Below are a few tips
Most Important Changes to Make Now
- Eat a well balanced diet of colorful fruits and vegetables that are packed with an array of nutrients, enzymes and fiber. Many people will tell me, “ I already eat well, and I just say eat more!” Add nuts and seeds to your daily snacks, and brighten every meal with more color.
- Move your body: take a early morning walk or an after dinner stroll, a trip to the gym, park farther away from where you want to go and/or take the stairs. Exercise increases blood circulation allowing optimal nutrient and oxygen circulation, increasing immune system function and an over all well being.
Become More Aware Of
- Stress. Stress is a big energy zapper and unfortunately, many of us are unaware of all the stresses in our dally lives. We first think of stress being only work related and financial; however, noise, clutter, driving are all ( hidden ) contributors to stress. Becoming aware and then finding ways to reduce the tension and stress will help increase energy levels. Think about a time out for yourself: reading a book, deep breathing exercise, yoga.
- Get hydrated. Most of us are dehydrated and when we are fatigued with low energy, by drinking more water, fatigue will disappear. I suggest that people drink water infused with citrus (oranges, lemons and/or lime) to add more nutrients and taste and to add herbal tea into their daily routine.
Supplements To Consider
- B Vitamin Complex. B vitamins work together and unless indicated, I have people take a B complex. Thorne Supplements has a very good one.
- Magnesium. I like Generstra/Seroyale powdered Magnelevures and have people take it before bed to help with sleep.
You can purchase these supplements here.
Labs To Consider
- Iron and ferritin
- Thyroid
- Adrenals: Cortisol ( I like the saliva test with 4 samples through Labrix Labs).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.
Be well,
dr. heather
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