Paris Is As Fun As You’d Think
Ahhh Paris. One of my favorite destinations for so many reasons. If you haven’t been, everything you’ve heard is true; the landmarks are amazing, the food is wonderful, and the people are warm and friendly in a ‘New York Soup Kitchen’ sort of way.
On our last trip we visited in the fall. Nothing is more enchanting than Paris in the Fall. To be truthful, I find Paris a delight any time of year, but Autumn is particularly wonderful because the tourist season is winding down and there’s a little more elbow room.
Recently I gathered up the team and made a run for Europe. Paris was our initial destination and we planned to stay there for a day or two at the beginning, make a crescent-shaped trip around the top of Europe and then back for a few more. We had a now-famous episode in which directions on a gas pump confused my husband and we spent a night in a small French town, but we’ll save that for another day…
People in Europe love to walk, and Paris is no exception. Walks along the Seine with just a hint of crisp air do as much for your mind and body as a yoga class. Just keep in mind that it can get cold and dark in late October and November, so plan accordingly. Keep a sweater around your waist and a scarf around your neck; you’ll look like you fit right in.
The good news is that it’s not so crowded at museums and other places of interest. Hotel prices go down, too; Yeah, for saving money! I’m very big into pinching my pennies, especially in Paris, because it can be rather expensive.
Parisians pride themselves on their wonderful romantic gardens and parks, so be sure to indulge your romantic nature by visiting as many as you can. Stop and relax, and take in the view with some bread and cheese (a very French thing to do). It’s also fun to sit down and enjoy a drink or a meal at one of the many wonderful sidewalk cafe’s while partaking in one of my favorite pastimes; people watching. It never gets old. My husband likes to play a game where we make up stories about the people we see – this can provide hours of laugh-out-loud entertainment.
The countryside is beautiful and well worth your time as well. The outskirts of Paris are dotted with small villages and hamlets, each with a telltale church in the middle. I love to see it all, but I definitely love spending time in the city. There are so many amazing things to see and do.
Among our favorites is of course the Eiffel Tower. It is much bigger than you would imagine, but don’t wait in the long lines for the ground-floor elevator; take the stairs to the first level and catch the elevator from there. It’s a fun hike and quicker to the top.
We like to walk through the park at the tower and catch a bus or taxi at the back side for a quick ride to the Louvre Museum. You can literally spend days looking through great halls of historic art, all of it amazing. My husband loves to stop by the Apple Store on the way out through the basement. Before you leave make sure you stop by to see the famous Mona Lisa painting by Michelangelo; it really is amazing to see in person.
Another favorite is the Notre Dame Cathedral. My husband loves to walk through European cathedrals and they are all truly wonderful, but Notre Dame is by far our favorite, and for good reason. It is a work of art in itself and if you catch a live mass it is even more spectacular. Take the time to climb to the roof for a look over the entire city.
For those more daring, a quick loop around the Arc Du Triumph is a great way to test your navigational skills in what is certainly one of the most complex driving environments on the planet.
The traffic around the famous gate to the city is as amazing as the structure itself. It is the only roundabout known on this planet into which incoming traffic has the right of way, and it is basically a terrifying gyre of oncoming cars and busses that never ends; imagine all your son’s Legos getting caught in the swirl as the water runs out of the tub and you get the picture.
It is rather long, but you can walk from the cathedral to the Arc via the Champs-Élysées, a long street of shops that is sure to satisfy even the most enthusiastic shopper. A great place to find some trinkets to bring home from a sidewalk vendor, or some new bling from one of the more elite boutiques.
Before I go to Paris, I usually check out Trip Advisor to find hotels and fun things to do. I also use Rick Steve’s site because he gives great tips on what to do off the beaten path. Check out these great resources before you head out and remember to have a ‘Plan B’ in the event you should be stranded (phone numbers to call, maps, and a snack in your pocket).
If you are an art lover, food lover, romance lover… or just a lover of all things grand and beautiful, you will love Paris! The culture is enthralling, the language is romantic, and the french people, while sometimes a little stand-offish and abrupt are really quite sweet and genuine.
So if Paris is on your ‘bucket-list’, don’t wait another minute; get out there this fall while everyone else is looking the other way.