Ask the Doctor :: Getting Healthy After The Holidays
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Ask the Doctor:
Question: I’m not following my New Year’s ( healthy) resolutions. Any tips on how I can?
January is a great time to cozy up on the sofa, with a warming tea, and reflect upon your last year. I’m not a fan of resolutions; however, taking a few moments to find ways to bring a healthier you, can be very rewarding. What made you feel the happiest and healthiest last year? I will ask myself: Did that kale smoothie make me feel more energized? Did it feel good to offer my Human Body Detectives books and apps for free? If yes, then I make sure I have kale in my fridge all the time and I offer more sales.
I become more aware of my “feel goods” and create more of them for 2014.
I am teaching my kids to do the same. They love doing this.
Yet, a few extra (healthy) reminders are good after a month of heavy eating and not much exercise. Being healthy is essentially simple… as long as you don’t shop in the middle aisles of the supermarket or your favorite place is on the sofa. To me the constant reminding of simple everyday wellness tips are very helpful – I know that they make a profound difference in overall long-term health. There is no magic pill… just a little pro-activity!
Three Simple Lifestyle Changes
Hydrate. As soon as you wake up and step foot in the kitchen, drink a large glass of water. To take it a little further, squeeze half a lemon in water or a few teaspoons of liquid chlorophyll. Both are extremely cleansing.
TV and Dinner. Although you maybe tempted, especially on those Friday family movie nights, but it is best not to mix them. People have a tendency to eat 50% more when watching the TV and eating meals. And, I find as a family, we have the best conversations when we all eat ate the dinner table.
Laugh out Loud. Everyone needs to laugh. It reduces stress, and boosts the immune system. Many people always have a joke to tell yet if remembering a joke is tough for you (it is for me) there are other ways to bring on a stress-reducing giggle. Ask anyone, the funniest thing that has ever happen to them or seen. They usually have something funny to share, which always will bring out a good laugh or a grand smile.
Be well,
dr. heather